Events Calendar


INT-Colloquium "Two approaches to design of archimats: topoplogical interlocking and deformation-induced patterning" by Prof. Yuri Estrin, Monash University Melbourne

Thursday, 09 July 2020, 10:30-11:30
Zoom and Campus North, Bldg. 640, 0-167

INT-Colloquium "Two approaches to design of archimats: topoplogical interlocking and deformation-induced patterning" by

Prof. Yuri Estrin

Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia


This talk is devoted to an emerging area of ‘architectured’ materials (archimats) that have an organised intertwined or interlocked inner architecture. The properties of an archimat are largely governed by the geometry and mutual arrangement of the constituent materials. As a result, archimats have an extra degree of freedom that conventional composite materials do not possess. This approach broadens the materials design space and offers new properties and functionalities.

Two classes of archimats will be presented. First, I shall inroduce topological interlocking materials [1]. Their structure is built upon identical individual blocks held together merely by virtue of their shape and arrangement, so that no binder or connectors are required to hold them in place. Such structures offer smarter, safer and more sustainable materials for use in industrial design and manufacturing. Some of their remarkable properties will be discussed in the talk, along with possible applications.

Second, creation of archimats by a range of forming processes, collectively known as severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques, will be presented. Their outstanding mechanical properties owe to extreme grain refinement, down to submicron range, they produce [1,2]. A crucial advantage of this approach is the possibility to combine grain refinement with providing the archimat with a desired inner architecture. In the talk, potential applications of SPD processing in microfabrication will be outlined. Special emphasis will be put on SPD-induced synthesis of new materials based on pattern formation during SPD at various length scales.

Finally, an outlook on some new trends in design of archimats, including the use of Machine Learning, will be given.


  1. Y. Estrin, Y. Brechet, J. Dunlop, P. Fratzl, Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering. Archimats, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2019.
  2. Y. Estrin, Y. Beygelzimer, R. Kulagin, Design of Architectured Materials Based on Mechanically Driven Structural and Compositional Patterning, Adv. Eng. Mater. 21, 1900487 (2019).
This event is part of the eventgroup INT Talks
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Hahn
Institute of Nanotechnology (INT)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Mail: horst hahn does-not-exist.kit edu
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