Welcome to the website of Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener's research unit "Nanophotonics" at the Institute of Nanotechnology.
Our research focuses on the fabrication and characterization of novel functional materials - so called metamaterials. Therefore, we develop advanced lithography and replication approaches to fabricate such materials and devices.
To read more about our current research projects, visit the Research page.

Electrical properties of a p-type semiconductor have been experimentally mimicked by a chainmail-like metamaterial made of an n-type semiconductor.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 016601 (2017)
Laser-written 3D gold-containing microstructures have been fabricated by simultaneous photopolymerization and photoreduction.
Adv. Mater. 28, 3592 (2016)
Prof. Martin Wegener, research unit chair at the INT, receives, together with Profs. M. Bastmeyer and Ch. Barner-Kowollik, Erwin Schrödinger Prize for cell cultivation in a 3D-laserprinted ultrasmall "Petri dish."
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft News
KIT researchers have created the first mechanical invisibility cloak. When placed over an object, the object cannot be felt at all — either by a finger, or a more sensitive measuring device.
Nature Communications June 2014
Press Release in German
Researchers at the KIT have developed a cloak that is broadband, omnidirectional, and big enough to hide a macroscopic object. The new cloak works in foggy or "diffusive" conditions.

Researchers demonstrate broadband terahertz (THz) wave generation using metamaterials.
Nature Communications
Patrik's paper on Diamond Optomechanical devices is published by Nature Communications.
Our paper on waveguide single photon detectors is published by Nature Communications. Press Release.