
  1. Controlling Volatility and Nonvolatility of Memristive Devices by Sn Alloying
    Passerini, E.; Lewerenz, M.; Csontos, M.; Jimenez Olalla, N.; Keller, K.; Aeschlimann, J.; Xie, F.; Emboras, A.; Zhang, X.; Fischer, M.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Luisier, M.; Schimmel, T.; Koch, U.; Leuthold, J.
    2023. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 5 (12), 6842–6849. doi:10.1021/acsaelm.3c01275
  2. Dissolution control and stability improvement of silica nanoparticles in aqueous media
    Spitzmüller, L.; Nitschke, F.; Rudolph, B.; Berson, J.; Schimmel, T.; Kohl, T.
    2023. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 25 (3), Article no: 40. doi:10.1007/s11051-023-05688-4
  3. Tip‐Induced Nanopatterning of Ultrathin Polymer Brushes
    Gröger, R.; Heiler, T.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2023. Small, 19 (29), Art.-Nr.: 2204962. doi:10.1002/smll.202204962
  4. Nanoparticle-based tracing techniques in geothermal reservoir: Advances, challenges and prospects
    Spitzmüller, L.; Nitschke, F.; Berson, J.; Maercks, A.; Rudolph, B.; Schimmel, T.; Kohl, T.
    2023. PROCEEDINGS, 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
  5. Nanoparticle-based tracing techniques in geothermal reservoir: Advances, challenges and prospects
    Spitzmüller, L.; Nitschke, F.; Maercks, A.; Berson, J.; Rudolph, B.; Schimmel, T.; Kohl, T.
    2023. 48th Stanford Geothermal Workshop (2023), Stanford, CA, USA, February 6–8, 2023
  1. Nanoparticle Tracer Development for Subsurface Reservoir Exploration
    Spitzmüller, L.; Nitschke, F.; Berson, J.; Rudolph, B.; Schimmel, T.; Kohl, T.
    2022. Symposium Nano-BW (2022), Bad Herrenalb, Germany, December 5–7, 2022
  2. Atomic-Scale Memristive Plasmonics
    Leuthold, J.; Cheng, B.; Koch, U.; Smajic, J.; Zellweger, T.; Emboras, A.; Luisier, M.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2022. Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), Art.-Nr.: IW4B.5, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2022.IW4B.5
  3. Dry under water: air retaining properties of large-scale elastomer foils covered with mushroom-shaped surface microstructures
    Mail, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Barthlott, W.; Gorb, S. N.; Heepe, L.
    2022. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 13, 1370–1379. doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.113
  4. Ultralow‐Power Atomic‐Scale Tin Transistor with Gate Potential in Millivolt
    Xie, F.; Ducry, F.; Luisier, M.; Leuthold, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2022. Advanced Electronic Materials, 8 (10), Art.-Nr.: 2200225. doi:10.1002/aelm.202200225
  1. Design und Anwendung von Messenger Nanopartikeltracern zur Exploration geothermischer Reservoire
    Spitzmüller, L.; Berson, J.; Rudolph, B.; Nitschke, F.; Kohl, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2021, October 7. Symposium Nano-BW (2021), Online, October 6–7, 2021
  2. Design and Application of Messenger Nanoparticle Tracers for Multi-Parameter Reservoir Exploration
    Spitzmüller, L.; Berson, J.; Rudolph, B.; Nitschke, F.; Schimmel, T.; Kohl, T.
    2021, September 24. 9th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2021), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 23–24, 2021
  1. Development of thermo-reporting nanoparticles for accurate sensing of geothermal reservoir conditions
    Rudolph, B.; Berson, J.; Held, S.; Nitschke, F.; Wenzel, F.; Kohl, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Article: 11422. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68122-y
  2. Air Retention under Water by the Floating Fern Salvinia: The Crucial Role of a Trapped Air Layer as a Pneumatic Spring
    Gandyra, D.; Walheim, S.; Gorb, S.; Ditsche, P.; Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.
    2020. Small, 16 (42), Art.Nr. 2003425. doi:10.1002/smll.202003425
  3. AFM engine with optical actuation and readout printed on the facet of a multi-core fiber
    Trappen, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Burger, P.; Blaicher, M.; Goring, G.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Holscher, H.; Koos, C.
    2020. CLEO: Science and Innovations : part of CLEO: 2020 : 10-15 May 2020, Washington, DC, United States, Art.Nr. SM2N.7, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2020.SM2N.7
  4. Atomic-scale photonic memristive and nano-opto-electro-mechanical devices enabled by plasmonics
    Leuthold, J.; Cheng, B.; Lewerenz, M.; Passerini, E.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Koch, U.; Emboras, A.; Haffner, C.; Luisier, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2020. Frontiers in Optics 2020: in Proceedings Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science ; Washington, DC United States ; 14–17 September 2020, Art.-Nr.: FW7D.1, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/FIO.2020.FW7D.1
  5. 3D-Printed Scanning-Probe Microscopes with Integrated Optical Actuation and Read-Out
    Dietrich, P.-I.; Göring, G.; Trappen, M.; Blaicher, M.; Freude, W.; Schimmel, T.; Hölscher, H.; Koos, C.
    2020. Small, 16 (2), Article no: 1904695. doi:10.1002/smll.201904695
  1. Tuning the Wettability of a Thin Polymer Film by Gradually Changing the Geometry of Nanoscale Pore Edges
    Łojkowski, M.; Walheim, S.; Jokubauskas, P.; Schimmel, T.; Świȩszkowski, W.
    2019. Langmuir, 35 (17), 5987–5996. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b00467
  2. Mechanically Induced Switching of Molecular Layers
    Berson, J.; Moosmann, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2019. Nano letters, 19, 816–822. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b03987
  1. „Luftschifffahrt“ - AIRCOAT Projekt will die gravierendsten Umweltprobleme der Schifffahrt lösen - Campusreport am 17.07.2018
    Fuchs, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2018. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2018-551
  2. Quasi-Solid-State Single-Atom Transistors
    Xie, F.; Peukert, A.; Bender, T.; Obermair, C.; Wertz, F.; Schmieder, P.; Schimmel, T.
    2018. Advanced materials, 30 (31), Art. Nr.: 1801225. doi:10.1002/adma.201801225
  3. Mechanical control of atomic-scale transistors
    Wertz, F.; Staiger, T.; Xie, F.; Heinze, M.; Schmieder, P.; Lutzweiler, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2018. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie gemeinsam mit der EPS (2018), Berlin, Germany, March 11–16, 2018
  4. Macro-mechanics controls quantum mechanics: Mechanically controllable quantum conductance switching of an electrochemically fabricated atomic-scale transistor
    Staiger, T.; Wertz, F.; Xie, F.; Heinze, M.; Schmieder, P.; Lutzweiler, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2018. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie gemeinsam mit der EPS (2018), Berlin, Germany, March 11–16, 2018
  5. Investigation of an electrochemically operated metallic Pb single-atom transistor
    Xie, F.; Hüser, F.; Pauly, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2018. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie gemeinsam mit der EPS (2018), Berlin, Germany, March 11–16, 2018
  6. A robust AFM-based method for locally measuring the elasticity of samples
    Bubendorf, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Meyer, E.
    2018. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 9 (1), 1–10. doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.1
  7. Macro-mechanics controls quantum mechanics : Mechanically controllable quantum conductance switching of an electrochemically fabricated atomic-scale point contact
    Staiger, T.; Wertz, F.; Xie, F.; Heinze, M.; Schmieder, P.; Lutzweiler, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2018. Nanotechnology, 29 (2), Art.Nr. 025202. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa9cc3
  1. Air–water interface of submerged superhydrophobic surfaces imaged by atomic force microscopy
    Moosmann, M.; Schimmel, T.; Barthlott, W.; Mail, M.
    2017. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 8 (1), 1671–1679. doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.167
  2. Sequence-controlled molecular layers on surfaces by thiol–ene chemistry: synthesis and multitechnique characterization
    Llevot, A.; Steinmüller, S. O.; Bitterer, B.; Ridder, B.; Berson, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bräse, S.; Scheiba, F.; Meier, M. A. R.
    2017. Polymer chemistry, 8 (38), 5824–5828. doi:10.1039/C7PY01515A
  3. Multiplicity of atomic reconfigurations in an electrochemical Pb single-atom transistor
    Xie, F.-Q.; Lin, X.-H.; Gross, A.; Evers, F.; Pauly, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2017. Physical review / B, 95 (19), Art. Nr. 195415. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.195415
  4. Copper atomic-scale transistors
    Xie, F.; Kavalenka, M. N.; Röger, M.; Albrecht, D.; Hölscher, H.; Leuthold, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2017. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 8, 530–538. doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.57
  5. Template-controlled piezoactivity of ZnO thin films grown via a bioinspired approach
    Blumenstein, N. J.; Streb, F.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Burghard, Z.; Bill, J.
    2017. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 8, 296–303. doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.32
  6. Bulk Density Measurements of Small Solid Objects Using Laser Confocal Microscopy
    Kilmametov, A.; Gröger, R.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2017. advanced materials techologies, 2 (1), 1600115/1–12. doi:10.1002/admt.201600115
  1. Novel roles for well-known players: from tobacco mosaic virus pests to enzymatically active assemblies
    Koch, C.; Eber, F. J.; Azucena, C.; Förste, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A. M.; Jeske, H.; Gliemann, H.; Eiben, S.; Geiger, F. C.; Wege, C.
    2016. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 7, 613–629. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.54
  2. Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques III
    Glatzel, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2016. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 7, 1052–1054. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.98
  3. Tailored probes for atomic force microscopy fabricated by two-photon polymerization
    Göring, G.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Blaicher, M.; Sharma, S.; Korvink, J. G.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Hölscher, H.
    2016. Applied physics letters, 109 (6), 063101. doi:10.1063/1.4960386
  4. Active multi-point microrheology of cytoskeletal networks
    Paust, T.; Neckernuss, T.; Mertens, L. K.; Martin, I.; Beil, M.; Walther, P.; Schimmel, T.; Marti, O.
    2016. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, 484–491. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.42
  5. Atomic Scale Plasmonic Switch
    Emboras, A.; Niegemann, J.; Ma, P.; Haffner, C.; Pedersen, A.; Luisier, M.; Hafner, C.; Schimmel, T.; Leuthold, J.
    2016. Nano Letters, 16 (1), 709–714. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04537
  6. Chemical bath deposition of textured and compact zinc oxide thin films on vinyl-terminated polystyrene brushes
    Blumenstein, N. J.; Hofmeister, C. G.; Lindemann, P.; Huang, C.; Baier, J.; Leineweber, A.; Walheim, S.; Wöll, C.; Schimmel, T.; Bill, J.
    2016. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 7 (1), 102–110. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.12
  1. Verlustfrei bei minus 200 Grad - Halbzeit bei der Testphase des Essener Supraleitungsprojekts "Ampacity" - Campusreport am 26.05.2015
    Fuchs, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2015. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2015-344
  2. Quantitative Measurement of Fiber Pull-out by Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2015. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 21 (10-12), 260–262. doi:10.1002/cvde.201504334
  3. The capillary adhesion technique: A versatile method for determining the liquid adhesion force and sample stiffness
    Gandyra, D.; Walheim, S.; Gorb, S.; Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.
    2015. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6 (1), 11–18. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.2
  4. Elasticity of the hair cover in air-retaining Salvinia surfaces
    Ditsche, P.; Gorb, E.; Mayser, M.; Gorb, S.; Schimmel, T.; Barthlott, W.
    2015. Applied physics / A, 121 (2), 505–511. doi:10.1007/s00339-015-9439-y
  5. Single-molecule force spectroscopy of membrane proteins from membranes freely spanning across nanoscopic pores
    Petrosyan, R.; Bippes, C. A.; Walheim, S.; Harder, D.; Fotiadis, D.; Schimmel, T.; Alsteens, D.; Müller, D. J.
    2015. Nano letters, 15, 3624–3633. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b01223
  6. Template-controlled mineralization: Determining film granularity and structure by surface functionality patterns
    Blumenstein, N. J.; Berson, J.; Walheim, S.; Atanasova, P.; Baier, J.; Bill, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2015. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6, 1763–1768. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.180
  7. Electrochromic switching of monolithic Prussian blue thin film devices
    Liu, J.; Zhou, W.; Walheim, S.; Wang, Z.; Lindemann, P.; Heissler, S.; Liu, J.; Weidler, P. G.; Schimmel, T.; Wöll, C.; Redel, E.
    2015. Optics express, 23 (11), 13725–13733. doi:10.1364/OE.23.013725
  8. Polymer blend lithography for metal films: Large-area patterning with over 1 billion holes/inch²
    Huang, C.; Förste, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2015. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6 (1), 1205–1211. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.123
  9. Ultra-large scale AFM of lipid droplet arrays: Investigating the ink transfer volume in dip pen nanolithography
    Förste, A.; Pfirrmann, M.; Sachs, J.; Gröger, R.; Walheim, S.; Brinkmann, F.; Hirtz, M.; Fuchs, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2015. Nanotechnology, 26, 175303/1–7. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/26/17/175303
  10. Nanotwinned silver nanowires: Structure and mechanical properties
    Kobler, A.; Beuth, T.; Klöffel, T.; Prang, R.; Moosmann, M.; Scherer, T.; Walheim, S.; Hahn, H.; Kübel, C.; Meyer, B.; Schimmel, T.; Bitzek, E.
    2015. Acta materialia, 92, 299–308. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.02.041
  11. A photolithographic approach to spatially resolved cross-linked nanolayers
    Fuchise, K.; Lindemann, P.; Heißler, S.; Gliemann, H.; Trouillet, V.; Welle, A.; Berson, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Meier, M. A. R.; Barner-Kowollik, C.
    2015. Langmuir, 31, 3242–3253. doi:10.1021/la505011j
  12. A scanning probe microscope for magnetoresistive cantilevers utilizing a nested scanner design for large-area scans
    Meier, T.; Förste, A.; Tavassolizadeh, A.; Rott, K.; Meyners, D.; Gröger, R.; Reiss, G.; Quandt, E.; Schimmel, T.; Hölscher, H.
    2015. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6, 451–461. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.46
  1. Evaluating the Market Potential for a New Technology - the Salvinia Case
    Rüther, W.; Orestis, T.; Stohr, J.; Presse, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2014. 18th Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, G-Forum, Oldenburg, 13. - 14. November 2014
  2. Self-organization of mesoscopic silver wires by electrochemical deposition
    Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Walheim, S.; Roesner, H.; Nold, E.; Kobler, A.; Scherer, T.; Wang, D.; Kuebel, C.; Wang, M.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2014. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 5 (1), 1285–1290. doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.142
  3. Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques II
    Glatzel, T.; Garcia, R.; Schimmel, T.
    2014. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 5 (1), 2326–2327. doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.241
  4. Ab initio transport calculations for single-atom copper junctions in the presence of hydrogen chloride
    Schnäbele, P.; Korytar, R.; Bagrets, A.; Roman, T.; Schimmel, T.; Gross, A.; Evers, F.
    2014. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 118, 28252–28257. doi:10.1021/jp5093898
  5. Exchange processes in the contact formation of Pb electrodes
    Lin, X.; Dasgupta, A.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.; Evers, F.; Groß, A.
    2014. Electrochimica acta, 140, 505–510. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2014.05.160
  6. Nanostructured solids. From nano-glasses to quantum transistors
    Gleiter, H.; Schimmel, T.; Hahn, H.
    2014. Nano today, 9, 17–68. doi:10.1016/j.nantod.2014.02.008
  7. Nanofur for biomimetic applications
    Röhrig, M.; Mail, M.; Schneider, M.; Louvin, H.; Hopf, A.; Schimmel, T.; Worgull, M.; Hölscher, H.
    2014. Advanced materials interfaces, 1, 1300083/1–10. doi:10.1002/admi.201300083
  8. High-speed plasmonic modulators
    Melikyan, A.; Alloatti, L.; Muslija, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Li, J.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Walheim, S.; Vincze, P.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Thourhout, D. van; Chen, B.; Dinu, R.; Sommer, M.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
    2014. Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR), San Diego, Calif., July 13-16, 2014
  9. High-speed plasmonic modulators
    Melikyan, A.; Alloatti, L.; Muslija, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Li, J.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Walheim, S.; Vincze, P.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Thourhout, D. van; Chen, B.; Dinu, R.; Sommer, M.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
    2014. Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nanophotonics (IPR), San Diego, CA, July 13-16, 2014, Paper IT2A.6, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2014.IT2A.6
  10. Six Hydrophobins are involved in Hydrophobin Rodlet formation in Aspergillus nidulans and contribute to Hydrophobicity of the Spore Surface
    Grünbacher, A.; Throm, T.; Seidel, C.; Gutt, B.; Röhrig, J.; Strunk, T.; Vincze, P.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Wenzel, W.; Fischer, R.
    2014. PLoS ONE, 9 (4), e94546. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094546
  11. Synthesis and characterization of textured Al-doped zinc oxide films prepared by template-directed deposition
    Eisele, R.; Blumenstein, N. J.; Baier, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bill, J.
    2014. CrystEngComm, 16, 1560–1567. doi:10.1039/C3CE41701H
  1. "Functionality on a stick": complex self-assembling virus derivatives - fabrication, activation, and integration into technical environments
    Wege, C.; Eber, F.; Azucena, C.; Degenhard, S.; Geiger, F.; Bittner, A.; Walheim, S.; Förste, A.; Huang, C.; Schimmel, T.; Jeske, H.; Gliemann, H.
    2013. Advances in Nanotechnology, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH, 97–125, E&B Engelhardt und Bauer
  2. Nonlinear nanophotonic devices
    Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Koeber, S.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumont, P.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Beels, M. T.; Biaggio, I.; Hartinger, K.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Baets, R.; Schimmel, T.; Kippenberg, T.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
    2013. University of Colorado Boulder Research Seminar Series on Optical, Electronic and Quantum Systems, Friday, March 15, 2013
  3. Nanotechnology of surfaces and interfaces: from the Salvinia effect to the single-atom transistor
    Schimmel, T.
    2013. Vortr.: Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin, 7.Juli 2013
  4. Functional nanostructures: from the Salvinia effect to the single-atom transistor
    Schimmel, T.
    2013. Vortr.: Universität Kiel, 12.März 2013
  5. The Salvinia effect: keeping a permanent air layer under water
    Schimmel, T.
    2013. Vortr.: Dechema, Frankfurt, 7.März 2013
  6. Photolubrication: Die Steuerung von mechanischer Reibung mit Licht
    Moosmann, M.; Walheim, S.; Marti, O.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. Forschungstag der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg zum Thema Hochtechnologieforschung, Stuttgart, 11.Juli 2013
  7. Tobacco mosaic virus like nanoparticles as building blocks for a new generation of biosensors
    Azucena, C.; Eber, F. J.; Eiben, S.; Förste, A.; Hirtz, M.; Bittner, A.; Walheim, S.; Jeske, H.; Schimmel, T.; Gliemann, H.; Wege, C.
    2013. 4th International Symposium ’Trends in Nanoscience’, Kloster Irsee, February 24- 28, 2013
  8. Influence of the substrate structure on the nanomechanics of focal adhesion points
    Marti, O.; Martin, I.; Paust, T.; Walther, P.; Beil, M.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2013. 4th International Symposium ’Trends in Nanoscience’, Kloster Irsee, February 24- 28, 2013
  9. Self-assembled electronics via bio-inspired mineralisation-template controlled with resolution in the nanometer scale
    Blumenstein, N. J.; Atanasova, P.; Bill, J.; Müller, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. 4th International Symposium ’Trends in Nanoscience’, Kloster Irsee, February 24- 28, 2013
  10. Cellular powerplants: Energy production via integration of cells and nanoelectrode arrays
    Spatz, J. P.; Rustom, A.; Bading, H.; Bengtson, P.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2013. 4th International Symposium ’Trends in Nanoscience’, Kloster Irsee, February 24- 28, 2013
  11. Polymer blend lithography: A versatile method to fabricate nano-patterned self-assembled monolayers
    Huang, C.; Moosmann, M.; Jin, J.; Heiler, T.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. 4th International Symposium ’Trends in Nanoscience’, Kloster Irsee, February 24- 28, 2013
  12. Biological and biomimetic under water air-retaining surfaces: A new technique for drag-reducing ship coatings
    Mail, M.; Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.; Leder, A.; Mayser, M.; Melskotte, J. E.; Gandyra, D.; Brede, M.; Walheim, S.
    2013. European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas (EUROBiomAt 2013), Weimar, April 22-23, 2013
  13. Energy-saving nanotechnology: From ultralow-energy quantum electronics to lubricating surface coatings
    Schimmel, T.
    2013. 4th International Workshop and School on Nanotechnology (NanoS-E3 2013), Airlie Beach, AUS, September 15-20, 2013
  14. Quantum transport in electrochemical environment
    Dasgupta, A.; Lin, X.; Evers, F.; Groß, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. 4th International Symposium ’Trends in Nanoscience’, Kloster Irsee, February 24- 28, 2013
  15. Advances in nanomaterials
    Gleiter, H.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 4, 805–806. doi:10.3762/bjnano.4.91
  16. Light-induced effects in the electronic transport through atomic metal point contacts
    Kopp, B.; Benner, D.; Yi, Z.; Boneberg, J.; Xie, F. Q.; Obermair, C.; Leiderer, P.; Scheer, E.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. Schimmel, T. [Hrsg.] Advances in Nanotechnology : Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures ; Results of the third Research Programme Kompetenznetz ’Funktionelle Nanostrukturen’ Stuttgart : Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, 2013 (Schriftenreihe der Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung ; 69), 257–273
  17. Interaction of epithelial cells with surfaces and surfaces decorated by molecules
    Martini, D.; Marti, O.; Beil, M.; Paust, T.; Huang, C.; Moosmann, M.; Jin, J.; Heiler, T.; Gröger, R.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2013. Schimmel, T. [Hrsg.] Advances in Nanotechnology : Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures ; Results of the third Research Programme Kompetenznetz ’Funktionelle Nanostrukturen’ Stuttgart : Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, 2013 (Schriftenreihe der Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung ; 69), 151–190
  18. Elucidating microscopic processes in electro-chemically controlled Pb atomic-scale switches
    Lin, X.; Dasgupta, A.; Xie, F. Q.; Groß, A.; Evers, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. Schimmel, T. [Hrsg.] Advances in Nanotechnology : Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures ; Results of the third Research Programme Kompetenznetz ’Funktionelle Nanostrukturen’ Stuttgart : Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, 2013 (Schriftenreihe der Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung ; 69), 197–219
  19. Microresonator-based frequency comb generator as optical source for coherent WDM transmission
    Pfeifle, J.; Lauermann, M.; Wegner, D.; Li, J.; Hartinger, K.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R. M.; Schimmel, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
    2013. Optical Fiber Communication Conf. (OFC), Anaheim, Calif., March 17-21, 2013
  20. Nonlinear nano-photonics
    Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Lauermann, M.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Pfleifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Weimann, C.; Dinu, R.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Hartinger, K.; Stamatidis, C.; O’Keefe, M.; Stampoulidis, L.; Zimmermann, L.; Baets, R.; Schimmel, T.; Tomkos, I.; Petermann, K.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. G.; Leuthold, J.
    2013. Frontiers in Optics: The 97th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXIX, Orlando, Fla., October 6-10, 2013
  21. ’Functionality-on-a-stick’: complex self-assembling virus derivatives. Fabrication, activation and integration into technical environments
    Wege, C.; Eber, F.; Azucena, C.; Degenhard, S.; Geiger, F.; Bittner, A. M.; Walheim, S.; Förste, A.; Huang, C.; Schimmel, T.; Jeske, H.; Gliemann, H.
    2013. Schimmel, T. [Hrsg.] Advances in Nanotechnology : Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures ; Results of the third Research Programme Kompetenznetz ’Funktionelle Nanostrukturen’ Stuttgart : Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, 2013 (Schriftenreihe der Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung ; 69), 97–125
  22. Microresonator-Based Frequency Comb Generator as Optical Source for Coherent WDM Transmission
    Pfeifle, J.; Lauermann, M.; Wegner, D.; Li, J.; Hartinger, K.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R. M.; Schimmel, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
    2013. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC’13), Anaheim, CA, March 17-21, 2013, Article no 6533142, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1364/OFC.2013.OW3C.2
  23. Nonlinear nano-photonics
    Freude, W.; Alloati, L.; Korn, D.; Lauermann, M.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Weimann, C.; Dinu, R.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Hartinger, K.; Stamatiadis, C.; O’Keefe, M. F.; Stampoulidis, L.; Zimmermann, L.; Baets, R.; Schimmel, T.; Tomkos, I.; Petermann, K.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. G.; Leuthold, J.
    2013. Frontiers in Optics 2013, OSA’s 97th annual meeting, Laser Science XXIX, APS/DLS 29th annual meeting, Orlando, FL, October 6-10, 2013, FTu4C.6., Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/FIO.2013.FTu4C.6
  24. The Salvinia effect: Superhydrophobic surfaces with hydrophilic pins for air retention under water
    Gandyra, D.; Böhnlein, B.; Mail, M.; Kobler, A.; Kaltenmeier, A.; Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Koch, K.; Melskotte, J. E.; Brede, M.; Leder, A.; Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Sektion Kondensierte Materie, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Regensburg, 10.-15. März 2013 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.48(2013), CPP 30.6
  25. Polymer blend lithography: A versatile method for fabricating nanopatterned self-assembled monolayers
    Huang, C.; Moosmann, M.; Jin, J.; Heiler, T.; Vincze, P.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2013. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Sektion Kondensierte Materie, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Regensburg, 10.-15. März 2013 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.48(2013), CPP 19.8
  1. Memory effects in electrochemically gated metallic point contacts
    Maul, R.; Xie, F.-Q.; Obermair, C.; Schön, G.; Schimmel, T.; Wenzel, W.
    2012. Applied Physics Letters, 100 (20), 203511/1–5. doi:10.1063/1.4719207
  2. Nonlinear optics on the silicon platform
    Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Vallaitis, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumont, P.; Baets, R.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Beels, M. T.; Biaggio, I.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
    2012. Optical Fiber Communication Conf. (OFC), Los Angeles, Calif., March 4-8, 2012
  3. Seriell angeordnete kombinatorisch aktive Virusgerüste als Biosensor-Ensembles
    Gliemann, H.; Walheim, S.; Jeske, H.; Bittner, A.; Schimmel, T.; Wege, C.
    2012. Poster: Statusworkshop "Kompetenznetz Funktionelle Nanostrukturen", Bad Herrenalb, 19.-21. September 2012
  4. Physics, chemistry and biology of functional nanostructures
    Ziemann, P.; Schimmel, T.
    2012. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 843–845. doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.94
  5. Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques
    Glatzel, T.; Hölscher, H.; Schimmel, T.; Baykara, M. Z.; Schwarz, U. D.; Garcia, R.
    2012. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 893–894. doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.99
  6. Gold mesoflower arrays with sub-10 nm intraparticle gaps for highly sensitive and repeatable surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
    Tian, C.; Liu, Z.; Jin, J.; Lebedkin, S.; Huang, C.; You, H.; Liu, R.; Wang, L.; Song, X.; Ding, B.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Fang, J.
    2012. Nanotechnology, 23, 165604/1–7. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/23/16/165604
  7. Reversible mechano-electrochemical writing of metallic nanostructures with the tip of an atomic force microscope
    Obermair, C.; Kress, M.; Wagner, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2012. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 824–830. doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.92
  8. Revealing thermal effects in the electronic transport through irradiated atomic metal point contacts
    Kopp, B.; Yi, Z.; Benner, D.; Xie, F. Q.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.; Boneberg, J.; Leiderer, P.; Scheer, E.
    2012. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 703–711. doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.80
  9. Polymer blend lithography: A versatile method to fabricate nanopatterned self-assembled monolayers
    Huang, C.; Moosmann, M.; Jin, J.; Heiler, T.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2012. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 620–628. doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.71
  10. Nonlinear optics on the silicon platform
    Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Vallaitis, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumont, P.; Baets, R.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Beels, M. T.; Biaggio, I.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
    2012. 2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2012), Los Angeles, California, USA, March 4 - 8, 2012; Vol. 1, 16–18, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  11. Template-guided self-assembly: controlling nanoscale pattern formation by molecular interaction
    Schimmel, T.
    2012. 3rd Internat.Nanomedicine Conf., Sydney, AUS, July 2-4, 2012
  1. Nanotechnology - fundamentals and applications of functional nanostructures : results of the second research programme Kompetenznetz "Funktionelle Nanostrukturen" (Competence Network on Functional nanostructures)
    Schimmel, T.; Löhneysen, H. von; Barczewski, M.
    2011. Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
  2. Investigation of pre-structured GaAs surfaces for subsequent site-selective InAs quantum dot growth
    Helfrich, M.; Gröger, R.; Förste, A.; Litvinov, D.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2011. Nanoscale Research Letters, 6, 211/1–4. doi:10.1186/1556-276X-6-211
  3. Smooth and ultra-precise silicon nanowires fabricated by conventional optical lithography
    Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Moosmann, M.; Huska, K.; Lemmer, U.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
    2011. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO’11), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, May 01-06, 2011, 1–2, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  4. Coke Formation in Steam Reforming of Natural Gas over Rhodium/Alumina Catalysts: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study using the Oscillating Friction Mode
    Eßmann, C.; Weis, F.; Seipenbusch, M.; Schimmel, T.; Deutschmann, O.
    2011. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 225 (11-12), 1207–1224. doi:10.1524/zpch.2011.0160
  5. Growth of M- and A-plane GaN on LiGaO2 by plasma-assisted MBE
    Schuber, R.; Chou, M. M. C.; Vincze, P.; Schimmel, T.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2011. Physics of Semiconductors: 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Seoul, Korea, 25-30 July 2010, Part A. Ed.: J. Ihm, 191–192, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  6. Growth and annealing of InAs quantum dots on pre-structured GaAs substrates
    Helfrich, M.; Hu, D. Z.; Hendrickson, J.; Gehl, M.; Rülke, D.; Gröger, R.; Litvinov, D.; Linden, S.; Wegener, M.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.; Hetterich, M.; Kalt, H.; Khitrova, G.; Gibbs, H. M.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2011. Journal of crystal growth, 323 (1), 187–190. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.11.162
  7. Surface Plasmon Polariton Absorption Modulator
    Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
    2011. Optics Express, 19 (9), 8855–8869. doi:10.1364/OE.19.008855
  8. Growth of non-polar GaN on LiGaO₂ by plasma-assisted MBE
    Schuber, R.; Chen, Y. L.; Shih, C. H.; Huang, T. H.; Vincze, P.; Lo, I.; Chang, L. W.; Schimmel, T.; Chou, M. M. C.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2011. 16th Internat.Conf.on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2010), Berlin, August 22-27, 2010
  9. Growth of non-polar GaN on LiGaO₂ by plasma-assisted MBE
    Schuber, R.; Chen, Y. L.; Shih, C. H.; Huang, T. H.; Vincze, P.; Lo, I.; Chang, L. W.; Schimmel, T.; Chou, M. M. C.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2011. Journal of Crystal Growth, 323, 76–79. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.10.118
  10. Growth and annealing of InAs quantum dots on pre-structured GaAs substrates
    Helfrich, M.; Hu, D. Z.; Hendrickson, J.; Gehl, M.; Rülke, D.; Gröger, R.; Litvinov, D.; Linden, S.; Wegener, M.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.; Hetterich, M.; Kalt, H.; Khitrova, G.; Gibbs, H. M.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2011. 16th Internat.Conf.on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2010), Berlin, August 22-27, 2010
  11. Die Nanowelt der Pflanzenviren. Der dünnste Draht Württembergs
    Gliemann, H.; Azucena, C.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A.; Geiger, F.; Spatz, J.; Gunkel, M.; Cremer, C.; Kontermann, R.; Wu, Z.; Krill, C.; Eber, F.; Degenhard, S.; Müller, A.; Eiben, S.; Jeske, H.; Wege, C.
    2011. Forschungstag Lebenswissenschaften der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Heidelberg, 29.Juni 2011
  12. Die Nanowelt der Pflanzenviren. Bioaktive Nanobürsten und Sticks
    Gliemann, H.; Azucena, C.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A.; Geiger, F.; Spatz, J.; Gunkel, M.; Cremer, C.; Kontermann, R.; Wu, Z.; Krill, C.; Eber, F.; Degenhard, S.; Müller, A.; Eiben, S.; Jeske, H.; Wege, C.
    2011. Forschungstag Lebenswissenschaften der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Heidelberg, 29.Juni 2011
  13. Tensile testing of microstructures
    Scherer, T.; Zhong, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2011. Imaging and Microscopy, 2011 (1), 44–47
  14. Scanning force microscopy up to the millimeter scale
    Förste, A.; Moosmann, M.; Rothenberger, M.; Meier, T.; Gröger, R.; Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Dresden, 13.-18.März 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) O 35.20
  15. Monolayer patterns for templated self-assembly of ZnO films with nanoscale resolution
    Khasminskaya, S.; Müller, A.; Jin, J.; Huang, C.; Pfeifer, J.; Bauermann, L. P.; Gerstel, P.; Bill, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 13.-18.März 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) CPP 23.13
  16. Polymer blend lithography: A method to generate monolayer templates for the self-assembled growth of ZnO nanostructures
    Jin, J.; Müller, A.; Khasminskaya, S.; Huang, C.; Pfeifer, J.; Bauermann, L. P.; Gerstel, P.; Bill, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 13.-18.März 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) CPP 23.7
  17. The Salvinia effect: Measuring the water adhesion on structures of biological air retaining surfaces
    Gandyra, D.; Mail, M.; Weis, A.; Kaltemaier, A.; Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Koch, K.; Brede, M.; Leder, A.; Bohn, H.; Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.
    2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 13.-18.März 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) CPP 9.3
  18. Cells on different substrates. An investigation with AFM and optical microscopy
    Martini, D.; Beil, M.; Schimmel, T.; Marti, O.
    2011. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Biologische Physik, Dresden, 13.-18.März 2011 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.46(2011) BP 30.5
  19. Influence of deposition parameters on constitution, microstructure, and ionic conductivity of magnetron sputtered thin film solid state electrolytes in the material system Li-V-Si-O
    Ziebert, C.; Knorr, A.; Thiel, N.; Rinke, M.; Seemann, K.; Ulrich, S.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.
    2011. 3.Tagung Kraftwerk Batterie - Lösungen für Automobil und Energieversorgung, Aachen, 1.-2.März 2011
  1. Conductance of atomic-scale Pb contacts in an electrochemical environment
    Xie, F.-Q.; Hüser, F.; Pauly, F.; Obermair, C.; Schön, G.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Physical review / B, 82 (7), Art.Nr. 075417. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.075417
  2. Growth of A-plane GaN on (010) LiGaO₂ by plasma-assisted MBE
    Schuber, R.; Chou, M. M. C.; Vincze, P.; Schimmel, T.; Schaadt, D. M.
    2010. Journal of crystal growth, 312 (10), 1665–1670. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.02.030
  3. Lipid multilayer gratings
    Lenhert, S.; Brinkmann, F.; Laue, T.; Walheim, S.; Vannahme, C.; Klinkhammer, S.; Xu, M.; Sekula, S.; Mappes, T.; Schimmel, T.; Fuchs, H.
    2010. Nature nanotechnology, 5 (4), 275–279. doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.17
  4. Templated Self-Assembly of ZnO Films on Monolayer Patterns with Nanoscale Resolution
    Pitta Bauermann, L.; Gerstel, P.; Bill, J.; Walheim, S.; Huang, C.; Pfeifer, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Langmuir, 26 (6), 3774–3778. doi:10.1021/la903636k
  5. Multilevel Atomic‐Scale Transistors Based on Metallic Quantum Point Contacts
    Xie, F.; Maul, R.; Obermair, C.; Wenzel, W.; Schön, G.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Advanced materials, 22 (18), 2033–2036. doi:10.1002/adma.200902953
  6. The Single-Atom Transistor: perspectives for quantum electronics on the atomic-scale
    Obermair, C.; Xie, F.-Q.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Proceeding of the 9th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO 2009), Genoa, Italy, 26 - 30 July 2009, 439–441, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  7. K562 Cells Study with Scanning Force and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
    Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Koshikawa, T.; Tsirkunova, N. G.; Aleinikova, O. V.; Shman, T. V.
    2010. Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures: Proceedings of the International Conference (Nanomeeting 2009), Minsk, Belarus, 26 - 29 May 2009. Ed.: V. E. Borisenko, 527–530, World Scientific Publishing
  8. Scanning Force Microscopy Study of Activated Human Platelets Interaction with Leucocytes and Red Blood Cells
    Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Fuchs, H.; Gelis, L. G.; Lazareva, I. V.
    2010. Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures: Proceedings of the International Conference (Nanomeeting 2009), Minsk, Belarus, 26 - 29 May 2009. Ed.: V. E. Borisenko, 523–526, World Scientific Publishing
  9. Constitution, microstructure, and battery performance of magnetron sputtered Li-Co-O thin film cathodes for lithium-ion batteries as a function of the working gas pressure
    Ziebert, C.; Ketterer, B.; Rinke, M.; Adelhelm, C.; Ulrich, S.; Zum Gahr, K.-H.; Indris, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Surface and coatings technology, 205 (5), 1589–1594. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.07.110
  10. Periodical Nanostructured Multiline Copper Films Self-Organized by Electrodeposition: Structure and Properties
    Zhong, S.; Dupeyrat, P.; Groeger, R.; Wang, M.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (9), 6144–6149. doi:10.1166/jnn.2010.2565
  11. The Single-Atom Transistor: perspectives for quantum electronics on the atomic-scale
    Obermair, C.; Xie, F.-Q.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Europhysics News, 41 (4), 25–28. doi:10.1051/epn/2010403
  12. Adsorption/Desorption Behavior of Charged Polymer Nanoparticles on a Mineral Surface in an Aqueous Environment
    Gliemann, H.; Ballauff, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Nanoparticles in the Water Cycle. Ed.: F. H. Frimmel, 81–102, Springer Verlag
  13. Influence of the Relative Humidity on the Demixing of Polymer Blends on Prepatterned Substrates
    Geldhauser, T.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Leiderer, P.; Boneberg, J.
    2010. Macromolecules, 43 (2), 1124–1128. doi:10.1021/ma9022058
  14. Superhydrophobic Coatings: The Salvinia Paradox: Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Hydrophilic Pins for Air Retention Under Water
    Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.; Wiersch, S.; Koch, K.; Brede, M.; Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Weis, A.; Kaltenmaier, A.; Leder, A.; Bohn, H. F.
    2010. Advanced Materials, 22 (21), 2325–2328. doi:10.1002/adma.201190015
  15. A surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator
    Melikyan, A.; Vallaitis, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
    2010. Conf.on Lasers and Electro-Optics and The Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), San Jose, Calif., May 18-20, 2010 Proc.on CD-ROM Paper JThE77.pdf Washington, D.C. : Optical Society of America, 2010 Also
  16. A surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator
    Melikyan, A.; Vallaitis, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
    2010. Conf.on Lasers and Electro-Optics and The Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), San Jose, Calif., May 18-20, 2010 Proc.on CD-ROM Paper JThE77.pdf Washington, D.C. : Optical Society of America, 2010 Also
  17. Ortsselektive Integration komplexer selbstassemblierender Virusderivate in dreidimensionale Bauelemente: ’Functionality-on-a-Stick’
    Wege, C.; Gliemann, H.; Jeske, H.; Walheim, S.; Bittner, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Statusworkshop des Kompetenznetzes für Funktionelle Nanostrukturen der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Bad Herrenalb, 9.-10.September 2010
  18. Engineering functionalized polymer microwells for selective stem cell adhesion
    Montero-Pancera, S.; Trouillet, V.; Petershans, A.; Fichtner, D.; Lyapin, A.; Bruns, M.; Schimmel, T.; Reichlmaier, S.; Weidler, P. G.; Wedlich, D.; Gliemann, H.
    2010. 109.Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Bielefeld, 13.-15.Mai 2010
  19. Ortsselektive Integration komplexer selbstassemblierender Virusderivate in dreidimensionale Bauelemente: ’Functionality-on-a-Stick’
    Wege, C.; Gliemann, H.; Jeske, H.; Walheim, S.; Bittner, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Statusworkshop des Kompetenznetzes für Funktionelle Nanostrukturen der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Bad Herrenalb, 9.-10.September 2010
  20. Cells study with scanning force and confocal laser scanning microscopy
    Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Koshikawa, T.; Tsirkunova, N. G.; Aleinikova, O. V.; Shman, T. V.
    2010. Borisenko, V.E. [Hrsg.] Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Minsk, Belarus, May 26-29, 2009 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 2009
  21. Scanning force microscopy study of activated human platelets interaction with leucocytes and red blood cells
    Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Fuchs, H.; Gelis, L. G.; Lazareva, I. V.
    2010. Borisenko, V.E. [Hrsg.] Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Minsk, Belarus, May 26-29, 2009 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 2009
  22. The single-atom transistor: Quantum electronics at room temperature
    Obermair, C.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Proc.of the 9th IEEE Conf.on Nanotechnology, Genova, I. July 26-30, 2009 Piscataway, N.J. : IEEE, 2010 Also
  23. Cells study with scanning force and confocal laser scanning microscopy
    Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Koshikawa, T.; Tsirkunova, N. G.; Aleinikova, O. V.; Shman, T. V.
    2010. Borisenko, V.E. [Hrsg.] Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Minsk, Belarus, May 26-29, 2009 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 2009, 527–30
  24. The single-atom transistor: Quantum electronics at room temperature
    Obermair, C.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Proc.of the 9th IEEE Conf.on Nanotechnology, Genova, I. July 26-30, 2009 Piscataway, N.J. : IEEE, 2010 Also, 439–41
  25. Magnetronzerstäubte Kathodenmaterialien für Lithium-Ionen Batterien im Materialsystem Li-Co-O: Herstellung, Aufbau und Eigenschaften. diploma thesis
    Ketterer, B.; Schimmel, T.; Zum Gahr, K. H.; Ulrich, S.
    2010. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA-7502 (Oktober 2009) Diplomarbeit (B.Ketterer), Universität Karlsruhe 2008. doi:10.5445/IR/200081163
  26. Measuring the water adhesion on structures of biological air-retaining surfaces
    Weis, A.; Kaltenmaier, A.; Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Koch, K.; Brede, M.; Leder, A.; Bohn, H.; Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE 2010), Darmstadt, August 24-26, 2010
  27. The Salvinia paradox: superhydrophobic surfaces with hydrophilic pins for air retention under water
    Barthlott, W.; Schimmel, T.; Wiersch, S.; Koch, K.; Brede, M.; Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Weis, A.; Kaltenmaier, A.; Leder, A.; Bohn, H. F.
    2010. Advanced Materials, 22, 2325–28. doi:10.1002/adma.200904411
  28. A surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator
    Melikyan, A.; Vallaitis, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose (CA), 16-21 May 2010, JThE77, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  29. Adsorption/desorption behavior of charged polymer nanoparticles on a mineral surface in an aqueous environment
    Gliemann, H.; Ballauff, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Frimmel, F.H. [Hrsg.] Nanoparticles in the Water Cycle : Properties, Analysis and Environmental Relevance Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2010, 81–102
  30. Self-alignment of block copolymers on chemically patterned substrates
    Heiler, T.; Gröger, R.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Regensburg, 21.-26.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) CPP 14.23
  31. High aspect ratio constructive nanolithography with a photo-dimerizable molecule
    Barczewski, M.; Förste, A.; Walheim, S.; Heiler, T.; Blaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Regensburg, 21.-26.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) CPP 14.22
  32. Self stratification in polymer blend films during spin-coating
    Huang, C.; Pfeifer, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Regensburg, 21.-26.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) CPP 14.21
  33. Cells on different substrates. An investigation with AFM and optical microscopy
    Martini, D.; Beil, M.; Marti, O.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Biologische Physik, Regensburg, 21.-26.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) BP 32.49
  34. Growth and branching mechanisms of electrochemically self-organized mesoscale metallic wires
    Zhong, S.; Wang, D.; Koch, T.; Wang, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Crystal growth and design, 10 (4), 1455–1459. doi:10.1021/cg9012747
  35. Conversion of hydrocarbon fuels over rhodium: towards a better understanding of coking of catalyst
    Essmann, C.; Schädel, B.; Hartmann, M.; Maier, L.; Schimmel, T.; Deutschmann, O.
    2010. 21st North American Catalysis Society Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., June 7-12, 2009 Abstracts
  36. New laser apparatus to measure oscillation amplitude down to picometer at megahertz frequencies
    Zhang, F. Z.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Marti, O.
    2010. Review of scientific instruments, 81 (3), Art.Nr. 035116. doi:10.1063/1.3368637
  37. Constitution, microstructure, and battery performance of magnetron sputtered Li-Co-O thin film cathodes for lithium-ion batteries as a function of the working gas pressure
    Ziebert, C.; Ketterer, B.; Rinke, M.; Adelhelm, C.; Ulrich, S.; Zum Gahr, K. H.; Indris, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. 37th Internat.Conf.on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (ICMCTF 2010), San Diego, Calif., April 26-30, 2010
  38. Influence of deposition parameters on constitution, microstructure, and battery performance of magnetron sputtered Li-Co-O thin film cathodes for lithium-ion batteries
    Ziebert, C.; Ketterer, B.; Rinke, M.; Adelhelm, C.; Ulrich, S.; Zum Gahr, K. H.; Indris, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. 2.Tagung Kraftwerk Batterie - Lösungen für Automobil und Energieversorgung, Mainz, 1.-2.Februar 2010
  39. Early stages of the chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon investigated by atomic force microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Wan, Y. Z.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Carbon, 48 (3), 921–923. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2009.10.031
  40. High aspect ratio constructive nanolithography with a photo-dimerizable molecule
    Barczewski, M.; Walheim, S.; Heiler, T.; Blaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2010. Langmuir, 26 (5), 3623–3628. doi:10.1021/la903028x
  41. Positioning, structuring and controlling with nanoprecision
    Hedderich, R.; Heiler, T.; Gröger, R.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2010. 5th Internat.Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS 2010), Chamonix, F, February 14-17, 2010
  1. Design of Chemically Activated Polymer Microwells by One-Step UV-Lithography for Stem Cell Adhesion
    Montero-Pancera, S.; Trouillet, V.; Pertershans, A.; Fichtner, D.; Lyapin, A.; Bruns, M.; Schimmel, T.; Wedlich, D.; Reichlmaier, S.; Weidler, P. G.; Gliemann, H.
    2009. Langmuir, 26 (3), 2050–2056. doi:10.1021/la902563d
  2. Anomalous dissolution of microindentation deformed zone of ITO/Si coated system
    Grabco, D.; Shikimaka, O.; Harea, E.; Gehm, N.; Schimmel, T.; Koch, T.
    2009. Physica Status Solidi (C), 6 (5), 1295–1298. doi:10.1002/pssc.200881246
  3. Single-atom transistors: switching an electrical current with individual atoms
    Obermair, C.; Xie, F.; Maul, R.; Wenzel, W.; Schön, G.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Nanoscale phenomena - fundamentals and applications. Ed.: H. Hahn, 113–123, Springer Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00708-8_11
  4. Magnetron sputtered thin film cathode materials for Lithium-Ton batteries in the system Li-Co-O
    Ketterer, B.; Ulrich, S.; Stueber, M.; Leiste, H.; Adelheim, C.; Kaiser, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Nanostructured materials for advanced technological applications. Ed.: J.P. Reithmaier, 405–409, Springer Netherlands
  5. Nanoscale Twinned Copper Nanowire Formation by Direct Electrodeposition
    Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Wang, M.; Scherer, T.; Walheim, S.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Small, 5 (20), 2265–2270. doi:10.1002/smll.200900746
  6. Ortsselektive Integration komplexer selbstassemblierender Virusderivate in 3D-Bauelemente: ’Functionality-on-a-Stick’
    Eber, F.; Azucena, C.; Petershans, A.; Müller, A.; Geiger, F.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A.; Jeske, H.; Wege, C.; Gliemann, H.
    2009. Statusworkshop des Kompetenznetzes für Funktionelle Nanostrukturen der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Bad Herrenalb, 17.-18.September 2009
  7. Ortsselektive Integration komplexer selbstassemblierender Virusderivate in 3D-Bauelemente: ’Functionality-on-a-Stick’
    Eber, F.; Azucena, C.; Petershans, A.; Müller, A.; Geiger, F.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A.; Jeske, H.; Wege, C.; Gliemann, H.
    2009. Statusworkshop des Kompetenznetzes für Funktionelle Nanostrukturen der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Bad Herrenalb, 17.-18.September 2009
  8. Die Nanowelt der Pflanzenviren: Bioaktive Nanobürsten und Sticks
    Gliemann, H.; Petershans, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A.; Börsch, M.; Spatz, J.; Kadri, A.; Müller, A.; Geiger, F.; Jeske, H.; Wege, C.
    2009. Forschungstag der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg zum Thema Hochtechnologieforschung, Stuttgart, 7.Juli 2009
  9. Die Nanowelt der Pflanzenviren: Der dünnste Draht Württembergs
    Gliemann, H.; Petershans, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Bittner, A.; Börsch, M.; Spatz, J.; Kadri, A.; Müller, A.; Geiger, F.; Jeske, H.; Wege, C.
    2009. Forschungstag der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg zum Thema Hochtechnologieforschung, Stuttgart, 7.Juli 2009
  10. Polymer blend and block copolymer lithography: a way to taylor-made bio-functional surfaces
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Förste, A.; Schimmel, T.; Schwieder, M.; Spatz, J.; Geldhauser, T.; Boneberg, J.; Leiderer, P.
    2009. Nanotech Europe 2009, Berlin, September 28-30, 2009
  11. Magnetron sputtered thin film cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries in the system Li-Co-O
    Ketterer, B.; Vasilchina, H.; Ulrich, S.; Stüber, M.; Leiste, H.; Adelhelm, C.; Kaiser, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Reithmaier, J.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, Sozopol, BG, June 1-13, 2008 Dordrecht : Springer, 2009 (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series : Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
  12. Magnetron sputtered thin film cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries in the system Li-Co-O
    Ketterer, B.; Vasilchina, H.; Ulrich, S.; Stüber, M.; Leiste, H.; Adelhelm, C.; Kaiser, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Reithmaier, J.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, Sozopol, BG, June 1-13, 2008 Dordrecht : Springer, 2009 (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series : Series B: Physics and Biophysics), 405–09
  13. Microscopically high speed friction measurements
    Zhang, F.; Marti, O.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Dresden, 22.-27.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) O 27.12
  14. A transient triple layer leads to a purely lateral morphology in a spin-cast polymer blend film
    Huang, C.; Weis, A.; Zhang, F.; Marti, O.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 22.-27.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) CPP 28.25 European Coating Symp.(ECS09), Karlsruhe, September 6-9, 2009
  15. Polymer phase separation on surface energy patterns generated by single pulse laser interference
    Foerster, A.; Geldhauser, T.; Boneberg, J.; Leiderer, P.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 22.-27.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) CPP 28.24
  16. Transient waviness of polymer films during spin-coating
    Pfeifer, J.; Walheim, S.; Huang, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 22.-27.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) CPP 28.23 European Coating Symp.(ECS09), Karlsruhe, September 6-9, 2009
  17. Block copolymer templating using periodic chemical nano-patterns induced with the tip of an atomic force microscope
    Heiler, T.; Weingärtner, R.; Kaplaklis, V.; Gröger, R.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 22.-27.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) CPP 28.22
  18. Surface energy patterns generated by single pulse laser interference lithography
    Geldhauser, T.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Leiderer, P.; Boneberg, J.
    2009. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Dresden, 22.-27.März 2009 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.44(2009) CPP 28.18
  1. Chemical Contrast Imaging: Die Abbildung chemischer Kontraste mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop
    Schimmel, T.; Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Walheim, S.; Nold, E.; Scherer, T.; Hahn, H.; Wang, M.
    2008. Photonik - Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien, 1, 71–72
  2. Chemical Contrast Imaging: Die Abbildung chemischer Kontraste mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop
    Schimmel, T.; Müller, M.; Pfrang, A.
    2008. Photonik - Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien, 2, 2 S
  3. Electromechanical behaviour of PZT with real domain structure
    Schimmel, T.; Müller, M.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Sutter, U.; Anteboth, S.; Brückner-Foit, A.
    2008. Computational Materials Science, 41 (3), 420–429
  4. Isothiocyanate-functionalized RGD peptides for tailoring cell-adhesive surface patterns
    Kalinina, S.; Gliemann, H.; López-García, M.; Petershans, A.; Auernheimer, J.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.; Schambony, A.; Kessler, H.; Wedlich, D.
    2008. Biomaterials, 29 (20), 3004–3013. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2008.04.003
  5. Interfacial adhesion and friction of pyrolytic carbon thin films on silicon substrates
    Deyneka-Dupriez, N.; Herr, U.; Fecht, H.-J.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.; Reznik, B.; Gerthsen, D.
    2008. Journal of materials research, 23 (10), 2749–2756. doi:10.1557/JMR.2008.0339
  6. Generation of Surface Energy Patterns by Pulsed Laser Interference Lithography on Self-Assembled Monolayers
    Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Geldhauser, T.; Leiderer, P.; Boneberg, J.
    2008. Langmuir, 24 (22), 13155–13160
  7. Preselectable integer quantum conductance of electrochemically fabricated silver point contacts
    Xie, F.-Q.; Maul, R.; Brendelberger, S.; Obermair, C.; Starikov, E. B.; Wenzel, W.; Schön, G.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. Applied physics letters, 93 (4), Art.Nr. 043103. doi:10.1063/1.2955521
  8. Independently switchable atomic transistors with predefined quantum conductance by reversible contact reconstruction
    Schön, G.; Maul, R.; Starikov, E. B.; Wenzel, W.; Schimmel, T.; Xie, F.-Q.; Augenstein, A.; Obermair, C.
    2008. Nano Letters, 8 (12), 4493–4497
  9. Independently switchable atomic quantum transistors by reversible contact reconstruction
    Xie, F. Q.; Maul, R.; Augenstein, A.; Obermair, C.; Starikov, E. B.; Schön, G.; Schimmel, T.; Wenzel, W.
    2008. Nano Letters, 8, 4493–97. doi:10.1021/nl802438c
  10. Generation of surface energy patterns by single pulse laser interference on self-assembled monolayers
    Geldhauser, T.; Leiderer, P.; Boneberg, J.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. Langmuir, 24, 13155–160. doi:10.1021/la801812j
  11. TOF-SIMS analysis of bio-functionalized surface structures for specific cell adhesion
    Gliemann, H.; Kalinina, S.; Petershans, A.; Wedlich, D.; Schimmel, T.; Reichlmaier, S.; Lyapin, A.; Fisher, G.; Bryan, S.
    2008. BIOSURF VII : Functional Interfaces for Directing Biological Response, Zürich, CH, August 29-31, 2007
  12. Einfluss der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit auf die Entstehung von Nanostrukturen in polymeren Dünnfilmen
    Gliemann, H.; Tavares Almeida, A.; Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. Nestmann, F. [Hrsg.] Berichtsband zum Workshop Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis, Karlsruhe, 17.-18.Oktober 2007 Freiburg ; Aedificatio-Verl., 2007
  13. Einfluss der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit auf die Entstehung von Nanostrukturen in polymeren Dünnfilmen
    Gliemann, H.; Tavares Almeida, A.; Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. Nestmann, F. [Hrsg.] Berichtsband zum Workshop Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis, Karlsruhe, 17.-18.Oktober 2007 Freiburg ; Aedificatio-Verl., 2007, 127–33
  14. Quantized conductance in atomic-scale point contacts formed by local electrochemical deposition of silver
    Obermair, C.; Kniese, R.; Kuhn, H.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. 1st Internat.Conf.from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2008), Neos Marmaras, GR, June 16-18, 2008
  15. Self-organized electrochemical deposited metal nanowires
    Koch, T.; Zhong, S.; Nold, E.; Wang, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. 1st Internat.Conf.from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2008), Neos Marmaras, GR, June 16-18, 2008
  16. Large scale - high resolution nanoanalysis and nanostructuring with AFM
    Koch, T.; Gehm, N.; Förste, A.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. 1st Internat.Conf.from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2008), Neos Marmaras, GR, June 16-18, 2008
  17. Superconducting magnesium diboriede films with introduced artificial pinning centers
    Koch, T.; Zdravkov, V.; Obermaier, G.; Sudru, A.; Frommen, C.; Hahn, H.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.; Sidorenko, A.
    2008. 1st Internat.Conf.from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2008), Neos Marmaras, GR, June 16-18, 2008
  18. Molecular editing of ultrathin organic films with the tip of an atomic force microscope
    Gröger, R.; Heiler, T.; Kapaklis, V.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2008. 1st Internat.Conf.from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2008), Neos Marmaras, GR, June 16-18, 2008
  19. Chemical patterning and chemical contrast imaging with the Tip of an atomic force microscope
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Gröger, R.; Riedel, B.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. 1st Internat.Conf.from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2008), Neos Marmaras, GR, June 16-18, 2008
  20. Spontaneous structure formation on the nano scale
    Walheim, S.; Hedderich, R.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. Particles 2008 : Particle Synthesis, Characterization, and Particle-Based Advanced Materials, Orlando, Fla., May 10-13, 2008
  21. Rationale Optimierung von Zelladhäsion, -differenzierung und -wachstum auf nanoskalig strukturierten Hydrophobin-Oberflächen
    Fischer, R.; Schimmel, T.; Richter, W.; Wenzel, W.
    2008. Symp.Biomaterialien/Biokompatibilität, Tübingen, 10.April 2008
  22. Chemically structured surfaces for biological applications
    Schimmel, T.
    2008. Israelian-German Nanobiology Symp., Haifa, IL, March 9-11, 2008
  23. Superconducting MgB₂ films with introduced artificial pinning centers
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Surdu, A.; Obermeier, G.; Frommen, C.; Walheim, S.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. 72.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen, Berlin, 25.-29.Februar 2008 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.43(2008) TT 15.1
  24. Surface velocity of shear quartzes for high speed friction measurements
    Zhang, F.; Marti, O.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. 72.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Berlin, 25.-29.Februar 2008 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.43(2008) O 43.22
  25. Nanodraht-Arrays aus Kupfer durch selbstorganisierte galvanische Abscheidung
    Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Walheim, S.; Nold, E.; Scherer, T.; Hahn, H.; Wang, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2008. Nanotechnik, No.1 Februar 2008 (Beilage zu Photonik ), 40
  1. Detachment of liquid droplets from fibres : Experimental and theoretical evaluation of detachment force due to interfacial tension effects
    Mullins, B. J.; Braddock, R. D.; Schimmel, T.; Kasper, G.
    2007. Journal of colloid and interface science, 312 (2), 333–340. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2007.03.051
  2. Towards quantitative materials characterization with Digital Pulsed Force Mode imaging
    Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Gigler, A.; Gnahm, C.; Marti, O.
    2007. Journal of Physics - Conference Series (JPCONF), 61, 346–351
  3. Calculation of the Evolution of Surface Area and Free Volume During the Infiltration of Fiber Felts
    Pfrang, A.; Schladitz, K.; Wiegmann, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 13 (12), 705–715. doi:10.1002/cvde.200706590
  4. Reliable preparation of high-quality superconducting thin films for application
    Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Rossolenko, A.; Ryazanov, V.; Bdikin, I.; Krömer, O.; Nold, E.
    2007. Journal of Physics - Conference Series (JPCONF), 61, 606–611
  5. Nanostructure formation in polymer thin films influenced by humidity
    Hartmut Gliemann; Tavares Almeida, A.; Freitas Siqueira Petri, D.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Surface and interface analysis, 39 (1), 1–8. doi:10.1002/sia.2339
  6. The Mechanism of Cavitation-Induced Scission of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
    Hennrich, F.; Krupke, R.; Arnold, K.; Stütz, J. A. R.; Lebedkin, S.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Kappes, M. M.
    2007. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / B, 111 (8), 1932–1937. doi:10.1021/jp065262n
  7. Block copolymer- and polymer blend lithography: Taylor-made bio-functional surfaces
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Schimmel, T.; Schwieder, M.; Spatz, J.
    2007. Frontiers Annual Meeting, Leuven, B, October 23-25, 2007
  8. Layout-guided self-assembly on the micro- and nano scale
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Riedel, B.; Gröger, R.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Nanoscale Phenomena : Fundamentals and Applications, Kishinev, MD, September 20-22, 2007
  9. Chemical patterning and chemical contrast imaging with the Tip of an atomic force microscope
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Gröger, R.; Müller, M.; Pfrang, A.; Riedel, B.; Obermair, C.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Nanoscale Phenomena : Fundamentals and Applications, Kishinev, MD, September 20-22, 2007
  10. Self organized metal mesowire growth with electrochemical deposition
    Koch, T.; Zhong, S.; Rösner, H.; Scherer, T.; Nold, E.; Hahn, H.; Wang, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Nanoscale Phenomena : Fundamentals and Applications, Kishinev, MD, September 20-22, 2007
  11. AFM nanostructured devices - production and properties
    Koch, T.; Gehm, N.; Xie, F. Q.; Zhong, S.; Mechau, N.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Nanoscale Phenomena : Fundamentals and Applications, Kishinev, MD, September 20-22, 2007
  12. Layout-guided self-assembly on the micro- und nano scale: block copolymer- and polymer blend lithography
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Schimmel, T.; Schwieder, M.; Spatz, J.
    2007. 3rd Frontiers Research Meeting, Toulouse, F, May 9-11, 2007
  13. Reliable preparation of high quality superconducting thin MgB₂ films for application
    Zdravkov, V.; Sidorenko, A.; Rossolenko, A.; Ryazanov, V.; Bdikin, I.; Krömer, O.; Nold, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 61, 606–11. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/61/1/122
  14. Superconducting transition broadening in MgB₂
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Sudru, A.; Ghitsu, D.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. 71.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen, Regensburg, 26.-30.März 2007 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.42(2007) TT 34.4
  15. Nonlinear temperature dependence of the upper critical magnetic field for magnesium diboride
    Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Palistrand, M.; Zdravkov, V.; Sidorenko, A.
    2007. 71.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen, Regensburg, 26.-30.März 2007 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.42(2007) TT 8.21
  16. Conductivity of thin films and nanostructures analysed by EFM
    Koch, T.; Dupeyrat, P.; Gröger, R.; Zhong, S.; Mechau, N.; Schierning, G.; Schmechel, R.; Schimmel, T.
    2007. 71.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Regensburg, 26.-30.März 2007 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.42(2007) O 17.63
  1. Elektronikrevolution aus Karlsruhe : der weltweit erste Nanotransistor wurde von Physikern der Universität und des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe entwickelt
    Schimmel, T.; Radio Regenbogen
    2006. (S. Fuchs, Ed.). doi:10.5445/DIVA/2006-385
  2. Der atomare Transistor : Karlsruher Forscher basteln den ersten Ein-Atom-Transistor ; Hörfunkbeitrag bei SWR4 Baden Radio am 15.08.2006
    Hofmann, A.; Schimmel, T.; SWR
    2006. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2006-343
  3. Miniatisierung auf die Spitze getrieben : Karlsruher Forscher basteln den ersten Ein-Atom-Transistor ; Hörfunkbeitrag in SWR2 Campus am 19.08.2006
    Welchering, P.; Schimmel, T.; SWR
    2006. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2006-321
  4. Atomarer Transistor : Karlsruher Wissenschaftler entwickeln den weltweit ersten atomaren Transistor ; Beitrag in "Baden-Württemberg Aktuell" vom 14.08.2006
    Ludwig, S.; Schimmel, T.; SWR
    2006. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2006-315
  5. Adsorption behavior and activity of hexokinase
    Pancera, S. M.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2006. Journal of colloid and interface science, 302 (2), 417–423. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2006.06.066
  6. Effect of pH on the Adsorption and Activity of Creatine Phosphokinase
    Pancera, S. M.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2006. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / B, 110 (6), 2674–2680. doi:10.1021/jp0532364
  7. Mechanical properties of pyrolytic carbon analyzed by nanoindentation, atomic force microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Ermel, R.; Beck, T.; Kerscher, E.; Müller, M.; Ziebert, C.; Ulrich, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Proceedings of the the International Carbon Conference (Carbon 2006), Aberdeen, Scotland, 16th-21st July 2006; 1 CD-Rom, Aberdeen
  8. Nano-optical waveguide devices with random deformations and nonlinearities
    Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Poulton, C.; Brosi, J.; Fujii, M.; Müller, M.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on International Conference on Materials and Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2005), Symposium F: Nano-Optics and Microsystems, Singapore, July 3-8, 2005, F-2-IN3, Elsevier
  9. Nanostrip and photonic crystal waveguides: The modelling of imperfections
    Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Poulton, C. G.; Brosi, J.; Fujii, M.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.; Müller, M.
    2006. Proceedings / Special issue on optical waveguide theory and numerical modelling, the XV edition of the International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, OWTNM’06, Varese, Italy, April 21-22, 2006. Ed.: A. Melloni, 1–2, Springer Netherlands
  10. Radiation modes and roughness loss in high index-contrast waveguides
    Poulton, C. G.; Koos, C.; Fujii, M.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
    2006. IEEE Journal Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 12 (6), 1306–1321
  11. Elektrische Ströme schalten mit einzelnen Atomen
    Xie, F.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Physik in unserer Zeit, 37 (6), 159–160
  12. Radiation modes and roughness loss in high index-contrast waveguides
    Schimmel, T.; Pfrang, A.; Poulton, C.; Koos, C.; Fujii, M.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
    2006. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 12 (6), 1306–1321
  13. Vacuum-ultraviolet photochemically initiated modification of polystyrene surfaces : morphological changes and mechanistic investigations
    López Gejo, J.; Manoj, N.; Sumalekshmy, S.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Wörner, M.; Braun, A. M.
    2006. Photochemical & photobiological sciences, 5 (10), 948–954. doi:10.1039/b611874g
  14. Adhesion of Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes on Mica : An in Situ AFM Investigation
    Gliemann, H.; Mei, Y.; Ballauff, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Langmuir, 22 (17), 7254–7259. doi:10.1021/la060933u
  15. Quantenelektronik: Weltweit erster atomarer Transistor
    Schimmel, T.; Xie, F.-Q.; Obermair, C.
    2006. Elektronik, 55 (20), 14–17
  16. Configuring a Bistable Atomic Switch by Repeated Electrochemical Cycling
    Xie, F.-Q.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Nanoscale devices - fundamentals and applications. Ed.: R. Gross, 153–162, Springer Netherlands
  17. Finite element analysis of V‐shaped cantilevers for atomic force microscopy under normal and lateral force loads
    Müller, M.; Schimmel, T.; Häußler, P.; Fettig, H.; Müller, O.; Albers, A.
    2006. Surface and interface analysis, 38 (6), 1090–1095. doi:10.1002/sia.2321
  18. Functional interfaces as templates for bio-nanotechnological application: where chemistry and physics meet biology
    Gliemann, H.; Montero-Pancera, S.; Krolla-Sidenstein, P.; Nüesch, R.; Kalinina, S.; Schambony, S.; Wedlich, D.; Schimmel, T.; Scharnweber, T.; Welle, A.; Auernheimer, J.; Kessler, H.
    2006. 2nd FRONTIERS Annual Meeting, Acireale, I, October 24-26, 2006
  19. Einsatz funktioneller Grenzflächen in der Bio-Nanotechnologie
    Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Vortr.: Universität Stuttgart, 25.Juli 2006
  20. Development of texture and deposition rates during the early stages of pyrolytic carbon deposition in a hot-wall reactor
    De Pauw, V.; Collin, A.; Hawecker, J.; Send, W.; Gerthsen, D.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Carbon, 44, 3091
  21. E-AFM on thin conductive films and nanostructures
    Koch, T.; Dupeyrat, P.; Gröger, R.; Zhong, S.; Mechau, N.; Schierning, G.; Schmechel, R.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Degussa Summer School Science to Business Nanotronics, Marl, September 11-13, 2006
  22. High-quality superconducting MgB₂ films for microelectronics
    Zdravkov, V.; Gaidau, M.; Molchanova, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Sidorenko, A.
    2006. Internat.Conf.on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T), Basel, CH, July 30 - August 4, 2006
  23. Superconducting MgB₂ films for microelectronics
    Koch, T.; Zdravkov, V.; Sudru, A.; Scutelnic, I.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Sidorenko, A.
    2006. 3rd Internat.Conf.on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP), Chisinau, MD, October 3-6, 2006
  24. Direct growth of single-crystalline copper mesowires by electrodeposition
    Koch, T.; Zhong, S.; Scherer, T.; Rösner, H.; Walheim, S.; Hahn, H.; Wang, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Internat.Conf.on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T), Basel, CH, July 30 - August 4, 2006
  25. Self-assembly of single-crystalline silver mesowires by electrochemical deposition
    Koch, T.; Zhong, S.; Rösner, H.; Hahn, H.; Nold, E.; Wang, D.; Wang, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Internat.Conf.on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T), Basel, CH, July 30 - August 4, 2006
  26. Force constants and detection sensitivities of V-shaped cantilevers for atomic force microscopy under normal and lateral force loads
    Müller, M.; Schimmel, T.; Fettig, H.; Häussler, P.; Müller, O.; Albers, A.
    2006. Internat.Conf.on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T), Basel, CH, July 30 - August 4, 2006
  27. Lateral tip movement and atomic-scale stick-slip processes during scanning force microscopy on calcite surfaces
    Müller, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Internat.Conf.on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T), Basel, CH, July 30 - August 4, 2006
  28. Friction force contrast of pyrolytic carbon islands achieved by force modulated microscopy
    Müller, M.; Pfrang, A.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Internat.Conf.on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T), Basel, CH, July 30 - August 4, 2006 (Poster)
  29. EFM on thin conductive films and nanostructures
    Koch, T.; Dupeyrat, P.; Gröger, R.; Zhong, S.; Mechau, N.; Schierning, G.; Schmechel, R.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. 3rd Internat.Conf.on Materials science and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP), Chisinau, MD, October 3-6, 2006
  30. Design of micropatterned cell adhesive surfaces
    Auernheimer, J.; Kalinina, S.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Schambony, A.; Wedlich, D.; Kessler, H.
    2006. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie, Heidelberg, 16.-19. März 2005 European Journal of Cell Biology, 55(2005) Suppl., (Abstract)
  31. Design of micropatterned cell adhesive surfaces
    Auernheimer, J.; Kalinina, S.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Schambony, A.; Wedlich, D.; Kessler, H.
    2006. European Journal of Cell Biology, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie, Heidelberg, 16.-19. März 2005,(2005) Suppl., (Abstract), 55, 85
  32. Effect of pH on the adsorption and activity of creatine phosphokinase
    Pancera, S. M.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2006. FRONTIERS Research Meeting, Acireale, I, June 15-17, 2006
  33. Preparation of tailored bio-functionalized surface structures for specific cell adhesion
    Gliemann, H.; Kalinina, S.; Schambony, A.; Wedlich, D.; Auernheimer, J.; Kessler, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. FRONTIERS Research Meeting, Acireale, I, June 15-17, 2006
  34. Characterization of PMMA/PVB blend films by means of AFM
    Almeida, A. T.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2006. Latin American Symp.on Scanning Probe Microscopy (III LASPM), Ouro Preto, BR, April 18-20, 2005
  35. Adsorption behaviour of creatine phosphokinase onto silicon wafers: comparison between ellipsometric and atomic force microscopy data
    Pancera, S. M.; Gliemann, H.; Petri, D. F. S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Latin American Symp.on Scanning Probe Microscopy (III LASPM), Ouro Preto, BR, April 18-20, 2005
  36. Characterization of PMMA/PVB blend films by means of AFM
    Almeida, A. T.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2006. Microscopy and Microanalysis, (2005) Suppl.03, 11, 122–25
  37. Adsorption behaviour of creatine phosphokinase onto silicon wafers: comparison between ellipsometric and atomic force microscopy data
    Pancera, S. M.; Gliemann, H.; Petri, D. F. S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. Microscopy and Microanalysis, (2005) Suppl.03, 11, 56–60
  38. Investigation of structure and stability of electrochemically produced mesoscale silver wires and dendrites
    Koch, T.; Zhong, S.; Rösner, H.; Hahn, H.; Nold, E.; Wang, D.; Wang, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) SYSS 3.18
  39. Self-organized electrochemical assembly of mesoscale silver wires and dendrites
    Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Rösner, H.; Hahn, H.; Nold, E.; Wang, D.; Wang, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) SYSS 1.8
  40. Atomic-scale quantum switches: an approach towards quantum electronics at room temperature
    Schimmel, T.; Xie, F.; Obermair, C.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) TT 9.4
  41. Enhancement of the vortex pinning in superconducting MgB₂ films
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Leierer, C.; Heinrich, A.; Horn, S.; Tidecks, R.; Wixforth, A.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) TT 7.60
  42. Electrochemically fabricated nanoscale copper wires: investigation of wire morphology and composition
    Koch, T.; Zhong, S.; Nold, E.; Scherer, T.; Rösner, H.; Hahn, H.; Walheim, S.; Wang, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) O 29.12
  43. Direct growth of mesoscopic copper wires by electrodeposition
    Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Rösner, H.; Hahn, H.; Nold, E.; Scherer, T.; Wang, M.; Walheim, S.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) O 4.4
  44. Direct observation of intermediate phases of pyrolytic carbon by atomic force microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Wan, Y. Z.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) DS 24.39
  45. Calculation of the evolution of surface area and free volume during the infiltration of fiber felts
    Pfrang, A.; Schladitz, K.; Wiegmann, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) DS 24.5
  46. Texture characterization of pyrolytic carbon layers: a quantitative study by polarized light microscopy and selected area electron diffraction
    Pfrang, A.; Bach, D.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) DS 4.4
  47. Substrate-consuming metal-organic layers (SCMOLs) from thiol derivatives - a combined SAXS/SEM study
    Riedel, B.; Barczewski, M.; Geerk, J.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) CPP 27.28
  48. Molecular editing of polymer brushes with the tip of an AFM
    Groeger, R.; Samerski, I.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) CPP 27.16
  49. Bottom-up lithography: growing layout-defined 3-dimensional micro- and nano-structure by molecular self-assembly
    Barczewski, M.; Blaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) CPP 27.9
  50. Thiol molecules can build up far more than a monolayer: substrate-consuming metal organic layers (SCMOLs)
    Walheim, S.; Barczewski, M.; Riedel, B.; Geerk, J.; Blaszczyk, A.; Mayor, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, March 26-31, 2006 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.41(2006) CPP 18.1
  51. Controlled generation of metallic nanostructures with the tip of an electrochemical AFM
    Obermair, C.; Wagner, A.; Klinke, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2006. 208th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., October 16-21, 2005
  1. Nanoforschung in Wissenschaft und Praxis - Gespräch mit Prof. Thomas Schimmel
    Schimmel, T.; SWR
    2005. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2005-406
  2. Roughness in high index-contrast waveguides
    Poulton, C.; Koos, C.; Fujii, M.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
    2005. European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), COST P11 Workshop and WG Meeting, Twente, October 2–4
  3. Current tendencies in nanotechnology research in Germany
    Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Vortr.: Universität Sao Paulo, BR, 17.November 2005
  4. Where physics, chemistry and biology meet: Specific cell adhesion and enzyme adsorption on nanostructures, functionalized surfaces
    Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Vortr.: Universität Sao Paulo, BR, 17.Novemebr 2005 Vortr.: Universität Rio de Janeiro, BR, 22.November 2005 Vortr.: Universität Recife, BR, 24.November 2005
  5. Strong forces for small particles: the counterion release force as a driving force for coating
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Ballauff, M.
    2005. Nanofair 2005 : Neue Ideen für die Industrie, 4.Internat.Kongress, Dresden, 29.- 30.November 2005
  6. Characterization of PMMA/PVB blend films by means of AFM
    Almeida, A. T.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2005. French-Brasilian Meeting on Polymers, Florianopolis, BR, April 24-29, 2005
  7. Nanostructured templates with cadherin specific adhesive properties
    Kalinina, S.; Gliemann, H.; Schambony, A.; Wedlich, D.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Nanomat 6.Szene : Workshop des Netzwerks Nanomaterialien des BMBF, Karlsruhe, 7.-8.April 2005 Frontiers Annual Meeting, Karlsruhe, September 19-21, 2005
  8. Fabrication of nanostructures based on polymer lattices
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Ballauff, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Nanomat 6.Szene : Workshop des Netzwerks Nanomaterialien des BMBF, Karlsruhe, 7.-8.April 2005 Frontiers Annual Meeting, Karlsruhe, September 19-21, 2005
  9. Große Kräfte für kleine Partikel: Die Counterion Release Force als treibende Kraft für die Beschichtung
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Ballauff, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Nanotechnik, No.2 April 2005 (Beilage zu Photonik ), 37
  10. Microstructure analysis of a carbon-carbon composite using argon-ion etching
    Pfrang, A.; Reznik, B.; Schimmel, T.; Gerthsen, D.
    2005. Microscopy and microanalysis, 11, 46
  11. Demonstration of a single-atom transistor
    Xie, F. Q.; Nittler, L.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. 208th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., October 16-21, 2005
  12. Quantized conductance in atomic-scale point contacts formed by local electrochemical deposition of silver
    Obermair, C.; Kniese, R.; Kuhn, H.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. 208th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., October 16-21, 2005
  13. Direct growth of thin copper wires by electrodeposition
    Zhong, S.; Koch, T.; Nold, E.; Scherer, T.; Rösner, H.; Walheim, S.; Hahn, H.; Wang, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. 208th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., October 16-21, 2005
  14. Microstructure and flux flow in superconducting MgB₂
    Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Zdravkov, V.; Gaideu, M.; Sidorenko, A.
    2005. Calea Ferata din Moldova (CFM 2005), Kishinev, MD, October 19-21, 2005
  15. Thermally activated flux flow in superconducting MgB₂ films
    Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Zdravkov, V.; Gaideu, M.; Sidorenko, A.
    2005. Conferinta Nationala de Fizica (CNF 2005), Bucuresti, R, September 13-16, 2005 Calea Ferata din Moldova (CFM 2005), Kishinev, MD, October 19-21, 2005
  16. Preparation of high quality films of magnesium diboride
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Rossolenko, A.; Nold, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, Strasbourg, May 31 - June 3, 2005 (Poster)
  17. Vacuum-ultraviolet photochemically initiated modification of polystyrene surfaces: chemical changes
    Lopez-Gejo, J.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Braun, A. M.
    2005. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 81, 777–82. doi:10.1562/2004-11-30-RA-387R.1
  18. Thermally assisted flux flow in MgB₂: strong magnetic field dependence of the activation energy
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Ryazanov, V.; Horn, S.; Klimm, S.; Tidecks, R.; Wixforth, A.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Philosophical Magazine, 85 (16), 1783–90. doi:10.1080/14786430500036678
  19. Structural characterization of artificial self-assembling porphyrins that mimic the natural chlorosomal bacteriochlorophylls c, d, and e
    Balaban, T. S.; Linke-Schaetzel, M.; Bhise, A. D.; Vanthuyne, N.; Roussel, C.; Anson, C. E.; Buth, G.; Eichhöfer, A.; Foster, K.; Garab, G.; Gliemann, H.; Goddard, R.; Javorfi, T.; Powell, A. K.; Rösner, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Chemistry - A European Journal, 11, 2267–75. doi:10.1002/chem.200400664
  20. Origin of the resistive transitions broadening in superconducting MgB2 films
    Sidorenko, A. S.; Zdravkov, V. I.; Nold, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Horn, S.; Müller, C.; Wixforth, A.; Tidecks, R.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) TT 36.10
  21. Preparation and characterization of thin superconducting MgB₂ films
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V. I.; Nold, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) TT 23.4
  22. Quantized conductance in atomic-scale point contacts formed by local electrochemical deposition of silver
    Brendelberger, S.; Obermair, C.; Kniese, R.; Xie, F.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) TT 22.3
  23. Switching an electrical current with atoms: the reproducible operation of a multi-atom relay
    Xie, F.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) TT 8.16
  24. A gate-controlled atomic quantum switch
    Xie, F.; Nittler, L.; Brendelberger, S.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) TT 8.13
  25. Engineering the adsorption of latex spheres on charged surfaces II: Switching the surface charge by adsorption of layered double hydroxides on mica
    Rapp, D.; Gliemann, H.; Weidler, P. G.; Nüesch, R.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) O 15.16
  26. SFM as a model system for local impact
    Gigler, A.; Hild, S.; Walheim, S.; Marti, O.; Schimmel, T.
    2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) CPP 30.16
  1. Atomic force microscopy in a liquid and in situ ellipsometry as complementary techniques for the study of protein adsorption
    Almeida, A. T.; Petri, D. F. S.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2004. Galembeck, F. [Hrsg.] Surface and Colloid Science : Contributions to the 11th Internat.Conf., Foz do Iguacu, BR, September 2003 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004 (Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science ; 128)
  2. Chemically patterned surface for biological application: Cadherin specific cell adhesion on nanostructured substrates
    Gliemann, H.; Schambony, A.; Schimmel, T.; Wedlich, D.
    2004. NoE FRONTIERS Meeting, Aarhus, DK, November 22-23, 2004
  3. Atomic force microscopy in a liquid and in situ ellipsometry as complementary techniques for the study of protein adsorption
    Almeida, A. T.; Petri, D. F. S.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2004. Galembeck, F. [Hrsg.] Surface and Colloid Science : Contributions to the 11th Internat.Conf., Foz do Iguacu, BR, September 2003 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004 (Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science ; 128), 63–67
  4. Engineering the Adsorption of Latex Spheres on Charged Surfaces II : Switching the Surface Charge by Adsorption of Layered Double Hydroxides on Muscovite
    Rapp, D.; Weidler, P. G.; Nüesch, R.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2004. European journal of mineralogy, 16, 114
  5. Layered Double Hydroxides under a new perspective
    Rapp, D.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Weidler, P. G.; Nüesch, R.
    2004. Nano 2004, Wiesbaden, Germany, 21. - 24. June 2004
  6. Finite element analysis of V-shaped cantilevers for atomic force microscopy under normal and lateral force loads
    Müller, M.; Schimmel, T.; Häußler, P.; Fettig, H.; Müller, O.; Albers, A.
    2004. Chinese-German Forum on Fundamentals and Technological Perspectives of Nanoscience, Beijing, China, September 26-30, 2004
  7. Atomic-scale processes of tribomechanical etching studied by atomic force microscopy on the layered material NbSe₂
    Kemnitzer, R.; Koch, T.; Küppers, J.; Lux-Steiner, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Bhushan, B. [Hrsg.] Fundamentals of Tribology and Bridging the Gap between the Macro- and Micro/Nanoscales Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer Acad.Publ., 2001, 495–502
  8. Switching an electrical current with atoms: the reproducible operation of a multi-atom relay
    Xie, F. Q.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Solid State Communications, 132, 437–42. doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2004.08.024
  9. Engineering the interaction between polymer particles and surfaces investigated by AFM
    Barczewski, M.; Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2004. Chinese-German Forum on Fundamentals and Technological Perspectives of Nanoscience, Beijing, China, September 26-30, 2004
  10. Microstructure and thermally activated flux flow in superconducting MgB₂ films
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Horn, S.; Tidecks, R.; Wixforth, A.; Heinrich, A.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. NATO Advanced Research Workshop Nanoscale Devices - Fundamentals and Applications, Kishinev, MD, September 18-22, 2004
  11. Microstructure and flux flow in superconducting MgB₂
    Sidorenko, A. S.; Zdravkov, V.; Horn, S.; Wixforth, A.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. 7th Internat.Conf.on Nanostructured Materials, NANO 2004,Wiesbaden, June 20-24, 2004
  12. Thermally activated flux flow in superconducting MgB₂ films
    Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Horn, S.; Tidecks, R.; Wixforth, A.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. NANORES-2004 : Internat.Conf.on Nanoscale Properties of Condensed Matter Probed by Resonance Phenomena, Kazan, Tartastan, August 15-19, 2004
  13. Millimeter-wave electrodynamics in superconducting MgB₂ films
    Pimenov, A.; Loidl, A.; Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Internat.Conf.’Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics’, MSCMP 2004, Kishinev, MD, September 21-26, 2004
  14. Preparation of superconducting MgB₂ films with reusable Nb reactor
    Zdravkov, V.; Sidorenko, A.; Rossolenko, A.; Bdikin, I.; Nold, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Internat.Conf.’Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics’, MSCMP 2004, Kishinev, MD, September 21-26, 2004
  15. Controlled structuring of mica surfaces with the tip of an atomic force microscope by mechanically induced local etching
    Müller, M.; Fiedler, T.; Gröger, R.; Koch, T.; Walheim, S.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience: Building Blocks, Modelling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, July 1-4, 2002 Surface and Interface Analysis, 36(2004) DOI:10.1002/sia.1690
  16. Controlled structuring of mica surfaces with the tip of an atomic force microscope by mechanically induced local etching
    Müller, M.; Fiedler, T.; Gröger, R.; Koch, T.; Walheim, S.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Surface and Interface Analysis, German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience: Building Blocks, Modelling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, July 1-4, 2002, 36, 189–92. doi:10.1002/sia.1690
  17. Gate-controlled atomic quantum switch
    Xie, F. Q.; Nittler, L.; Obermair, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Physical Review Letters, 93, 128303. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.128303
  18. Engineering the adsorption of latex spheres on charged surfaces II: Switching the surface charge by adsorption of layered double hydroxides on muscovite
    Doreen, R.; Weidler, P. G.; Nüesch, R.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2004. 82.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe, Karlsruhe, September 19-22, 2004 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, No.1, 2004 (Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy, 16, 2004)
  19. Engineering the interaction of latex spheres with charged surfaces I: AFM investigation of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes on muscovite
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2004. 82.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe, Karlsruhe, September 19-22, 2004 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, No.1, 2004 (Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy, 16, 2004)
  20. Controlling the adsorption of latex spheres on charged surfaces: AFM investigation of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes on mica
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2004. 7th Internat.Conf.on Nanostructured Materials, Wiesbaden, June 20-24, 2004 Book of Abstracts
  21. Engineering the interaction of latex spheres with charged surfaces I: AFM investigation of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes on muscovite
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2004. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 82.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe, Karlsruhe, September 19-22, 2004 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster, No.1, 2004 (Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy, 16, 2004), 46
  22. Adsorption kinetic of enolase on silicon studied by in situ ellipsometry and wet AFM
    Almeida, A. T.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2004. Acta Microscopica, (2003) Suppl.A, 12, 41–44
  23. Magnetic clusters and cluster agglomerations analysed by scanning force microscopy
    Blanckenhagen, P. von; Chao, M.; Gröger, R.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience: Building Blocks, Modelling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, July 1-4, 2002 Surface and Interface Analysis, 36(2004) DOI:10.1002/sia.1686
  24. Quantitative analysis of pyrolytic carbon films by polarized light microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Surface and Interface Analysis, German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience: Building Blocks, Modelling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, July 1-4, 2002, 36, 184–88. doi:10.1002/sia.1688
  25. Magnetic clusters and cluster agglomerations analysed by scanning force microscopy
    Blanckenhagen, P. von; Chao, M.; Gröger, R.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Surface and Interface Analysis, German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience: Building Blocks, Modelling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, July 1-4, 2002, 36, 161–65. doi:10.1002/sia.1686
  26. Self-assembled chromophores for hybrid solar cells
    Linke-Schaetzel, M.; Bhise, A. D.; Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Balaban, T. S.
    2004. Proc. of Symp D on Thin Film and Nano-Structured Materials for Photovoltaics, European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, F, June 10-13, 2003 Thin solid films, 451-452, 16–21. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2003.10.149
  27. Digital pulsed force mode and dynamical friction measurements
    Gigler, A.; Spizig, P.; Walheim, S.; Marti, O.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik (AKF) der DPG, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Regensburg, 8.-12.März 2004 (Poster) Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd. 39(2004) O 14.84
  28. Imaging SAMs based on μ-CP in terms of dynamic friction, adhesion and stiffness using the digital pulsed force mode technology
    Gigler, A.; Spizig, P.; Walheim, S.; Marti, O.; Schimmel, T.
    2004. Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik (AKF) der DPG, Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik, Regensburg, 8.-12.März 2004 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd. 39(2004) CPP 2.3
  1. Optical properties of pyrolytic carbon deposits deduced from measurements of the extinction angle by polarized light microscopy
    Bortchagovsky, E. G.; Reznik, B.; Gerthsen, D.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
    2003. Carbon, 41 (12), 2430–2433. doi:10.1016/S0008-6223(03)00282-3
  2. Comparative study of differently textured pyrolytic carbon layers by atomic force, transmission electron and polarized light microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Reznik, B.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.
    2003. Carbon, 41 (1), 181–185. doi:10.1016/S0008-6223(02)00284-1
  3. Engineering the interaction of latex spheres with charged surfaces: AFM investigation of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes on mica
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2003. Scanning Probe Microscopy of Polymers (SPMP 2003), Internat.Conf., Kerkrade, NL, July 14-18, 2003
  4. Adsorption of functionalized core-shell polymer particles on solid surfaces investigated by atomic force microscopy
    Gliemann, H.; Koch, T.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.; Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.
    2003. Achema 2003 : 27.Internat.Kongress für Chemische Technik, Umweltschutz und Biotechnologie, Frankfurt, 19.-24.Mai 2003 Vortr.: BASF, Ludwigshafen, 11.Juli 2003 Book of Abstracts
  5. Engineering the interaction of latex spheres with charged surfaces: AFM investigation of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes on mica
    Mei, Y.; Wittemann, A.; Sharma, G.; Ballauff, M.; Koch, T.; Gliemann, H.; Horbach, J.; Schimmel, T.
    2003. Macromolecules, 36, 3452–3456. doi:10.1021/ma0258399
  1. Wettability of sulphonated polymer and polymer blend surfaces investigated by AFM
    Gliemann, H.; Berlinger, A.; Barczewski, M.; Durigon, P. E. R.; Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Schimmel, T.
    2002. Hannover Messe, Hannover, 14.-20.April 2002
  2. Investigation of chemical vapor infiltrated carbon fiber felts by combined scanning force techniques
    Pfrang, A.; Yalman, I.; Gliemann, H.; Huettinger, K. J.; Schimmel, T.
    2002. In: International Conference on Carbon, Beijing, China 2002. Ed.: Z. Dong. Shanxi Chunqiu Audio-Visual Press 2002. Paper H048. ISBN 7-900362-03-7. [CD-ROM]
  3. A comparative study of pyrocarbon microstructure by atomic force, transmission electron and polarized light microscopy
    Pfrang, A.; Reznik, B.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.
    2002. In: International Conference on Carbon, Beijing, China 2002. Ed.: Z. Dong. Shanxi Chunqiu Audio-Visual Press 2002. Paper H052. ISBN 7-900362-03-7. [CD-ROM]
  4. Nanotechnologie - Vorstoß in atomare Dimensionen
    Schimmel, T.
    2002. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 118, 542
  5. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of nano-photoluminescence images of single GaAs quantum wells
    Neuberth, U.; Walter, L.; Freymann, G. von; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.; Khitrova, G.; Gibbs, H. M.
    2002. Applied physics letters, 81 (10), 1881–1884
  6. Adhesion imaging of carbon fibre reinforced materials in the pulsed force mode of the AFM
    Pfrang, A.; Huettinger, K. J.; Schimmel, T.
    2002. Surface and interface analysis, 33 (2), 96–99
  7. Adsorption behavior of creatine phosphokinase onto solid substrates
    Pancera, S. M.; Alvarez, E. B.; Politi, M. J.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.; Petri, D. F. S.
    2002. Langmuir, 18, 3517–23. doi:10.1021/la0110693
  1. Local electrical deposition of metal islands mechanically induced with the tip of an atomic force microscope
    Obermair, C.; Mueller, M.; Klinke, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. Chinese Physic - Overseas edition, 10, 151–156
  2. Characterization and modification of polymer blends
    Durigon, P. E. R.; Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Drings, H.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.
    2001. Colloids and polymer science, 279 (10), 1013–1019
  3. Influence of sulphonation on polymer and polymer blend surfaces studied by atomic force microscopy
    Berlinger, A.; Gliemann, H.; Barczewski, M.; Durigon, P. E. R.; Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. Surface and interface analysis, 32 (1), 144–147. doi:10.1002/sia.1025
  4. Nanostructuring of calcite surfaces by tribomechanical etching with the tip of an atomic force microscope
    Mueller, M.; Fiedler, T.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. In: Fundamentals of tribology and bridging the gap between macro- and micro/nanoscales. Ed.: B. Bhushan. Dordrecht 2001. S. 487-494. (NATO science series. Serie II. 10.)
  5. Atomic-scale processes of tribomechanical etching studied by atomic force microscopy on the layered material NbSe2
    Kemnitzer, R.; Koch, T.; Kueppers, J.; Lux-Steiner, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. In: Fundamentals of tribology and bridging the gap between macro- and micro/nanoscales. Ed.: B. Bhushan. Dordrecht 2001. S. 495-502. (NATO science series. Serie II. 10.)
  6. Hints for a non-thermal distribution of excitons in CdSe/ZnSe quantum islands
    Freymann, G. von; Kurtz, E.; Klingshirn, C.; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.
    2001. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Osaka, Japan 2000. Ed.: N. Miura. Vol. 1. Berlin 2001. S. 705-706. (Springer proceedings in physics. 87.)
  7. Nanostructuring of polycrystalline and single crystalline gold electrodes by copper electrodeposition using in situ scanning probe methods
    Schimmel, T.; Lorenz, W. J.
    2001. In: Scanning probe techniques for materials characterization at nanometer scale. Ed.: D.C. Hansen. Pennington, NJ 2001. S. 25. (Proceedings volume. Electrochemical Society. 2000,35.)
  8. Autocorrelation spectroscopy on single ultrathin layers of CdSe/ZnSe: hints for a non-thermal distribution of excitons in quantum islands
    Freymann, G. von; Kurtz, E.; Klingshirn, C.; Litvinov, D.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.
    2001. Journal of Microscopy, 202 (1), 218–222
  9. Characterization and modification of polymer blend films
    Durigon, P. E. R.; Petri, D. F. S.; Drings, H.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.
    2001. Colloid and Polymer Science, 279, 1013–19
  10. Influence of sulphonation on polymer and polymer blend surfaces studied by atomic force microscopy
    Berlinger, A.; Gliemann, H.; Barczewski, M.; Durigon, P. E. R.; Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. Asia-Pacific Surface and Interface Analysis Conf.(APSIAC 2000), Beijing, China, October 23-26, 2000 Surface and Interface Analysis, 32(2001)
  11. Detection sensitivity of cantilevers for atomic force microscopy under combined normal and lateral load using parameterized finite element model
    Müller, M.; Schimmel, T.; Fettig, H.; Häussler, P.; Müller, O.; Albers, A.
    2001. 65.Physikertagung gemeinsam mit der Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik der DPG, Hamburg, 26.-30. März 2001 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd.36 (2001) O 25.58
  12. Tribochemical wear of a layered compound studied on the nanometer scale by atomic force microscopy
    Kemnitzer, R.; Koch, T.; Küppers, J.; Lux-Steiner, M.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. 65.Physikertagung gemeinsam mit der Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik der DPG, Hamburg, 26.-30. März 2001 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd.36 (2001) O 25.57
  13. Controlled Tribo-electrochemical growth of single metal islands with the tip of an AFM
    Obermaier, C.; Müller, M.; Klinke, C.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. 65.Physikertagung gemeinsam mit der Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik der DPG, Hamburg, 26.-30. März 2001 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd.36 (2001) O 25.55
  14. Infiltrated carbon fiber bundles studied by combined scanning force techniques
    Pfrang, A.; Sutter, U.; Gliemann, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2001. 65.Physikertagung gemeinsam mit der Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik der DPG, Hamburg, 26.-30. März 2001 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd.36 (2001) O 25.56
  1. Vitrification in restricted geometry: dry films of colloidal particles
    Evers, M.; Palberg, T.; Dingenouts, N.; Ballauff, M.; Richter, H.; Schimmel, T.
    2000. Progr. in colloid & polym. sci. 115 (2000) S. 307-314
  2. Localization of excitons in pairs of natural dots induced by stacking faults in ZnSe quantum wells
    Lueerssen, D.; Bleher, R.; Kalt, H.; Richter, H.; Schimmel, T.; Rosenauer, A.; Litvinov, D.; Kamilli, A.; Gerthsen, D.; Jobst, B.; Ohkawa, K.; Hommel, D.
    2000. Physica status solidi A 178 (2000) S. 189-192
  3. Scanning probe microscopes-instruments for surface analysis and surface modification on the nanometer scale
    Schimmel, T.
    2000. Nachr., Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 32 (1999) S. 217-223
  4. Stacking-fault induced pairs of localizing centers in ZnSe quantum wells
    Lueerssen, D.; Bleher, R.; Kalt, H.; Richter, H.; Schimmel, T.; Rosenauer, A.; Litvinov, D.; Kamilli, A.; Gerthsen, D.; Jobst, B.; Ohkawa, K.; Hommel, D.
    2000. J. of cryst. growth 214/215 (2000) S. 634-638
  5. Near-field photoluminescence imaging of single defects in a ZnSe quantum-well structure at low temperatures
    Freymann, G. von; Lüerssen, D.; Rabenstein, C.; Mikolaiczyk, M.; Richter, H.; Kalt, H.; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.; Okhawa, K.; Hommel, D.
    2000. Applied Physics Letters, 78 (2), 203–205
  6. 100 fs carrier dynamics in GaAs under 100 nm diameter apertures
    Hetzler, J.; Brunner, A.; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.; Leu, S.; Nau, S.; Stolz, W.
    2000. Physica status solidi B, 221 (1), 425–428
  7. Analysis of combined bending and torsion of AFM-cantilevers using a parameterized finite element model
    Mueller, M.; Schimmel, T.; Fettig, H.; Haeussler, P.; Mueller, O.; Albers, A.
    2000. NATO-Tagung "Fundamentals of and Bridging the Gap Between Macro- and Micro/Nanoscale Tribology", 13.-25. August, 2000, Keszthely, Ungarn, Keszthely
  8. Simulating the detection process of AFM-cantilevers using true displacement distributions under loading
    Mueller, M.; Schimmel, T.; Haeussler, P.; Mueller, O.; Fettig, H.; Albers, A.
    2000. 4th International Conference on the Development and Technological Application of Scanning Probe Method, 25.-27. September, 2000, Münster, Germany, Münster
  1. The depolarization NSOM: comparison of experiment and theory
    Freymann, G. von; Adelmann, C.; Scheiber, G.; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.
    1999. Journal of Microscopy, 194 (2-3), 491–494
  2. Experiments on the depolarization near-field scanning optical microscope
    Adelmann, C.; Hetzler, J.; Scheiber, G.; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.; Weber, H. B.; Löhneysen, H. von
    1999. Applied Physics Letters, 74 (2), 179–181
  3. Depolarization nearfield scanning optical microscopy: influence of wavelength and tip-shape on the lateral resolution
    Freymann, G. von; Wegener, M.; Schimmel, T.
    1999. Surface and Interface Analysis, 27 (5-6), 499–502
  4. Monolayers of graphite rotated by a defined angle: hexagonal superstructures by STM
    Beyer, H.; Mueller, M.; Schimmel, T.
    1999. Appl. phys. A 68 (1999) S. 163
  5. Parallel computing in nearfield scanning optical microscopy
    Freymann, G. von; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.
    1999. In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’98. Ed.: E. Krause. Berlin 1998
  6. True atomic resolution under ambient conditions obtained by atomic force microscopy in the contact mode
    Schimmel, T.; Koch, T.; Küppers, J.; Lux-Steiner, M.
    1999. Applied physics / A, Appl. phys. A 68 (1999) S. 399., 68 (4), 399–402. doi:10.1007/s003390050912
  7. Scanning force microscopy on Au(111) in UHV: giant atomic corrugations on a metal surface
    Molitor, S.; Guethner, P.; Mueller, M.; Schimmel, T.
    1999. Appl. phys. A 68 (1999) S. 263ff
  8. Growth of (111)-oriented PbTe thin films on vicinal Si(111) and on Si(100) using fluoride buffers
    Belenchuk, A.; Shapoval, O.; Kantser, V.; Fedorov, A.; Schunk, P.; Schimmel, T.; Dashevski, Z.
    1999. J. of cryst. growth 198/199 (1999) S. 1216
  9. Nanometer-scale structuring by application of scanning probe microscopes and self-organisation processes
    Schimmel, T.; Blanckenhagen, P. von; Schommers, W.
    1999. Appl. phys. A 68 (1999) S. 263ff
  10. Synthesis of cellulose thiosulfate and its immobilization on gold surfaces
    Siqueira-Petri, D.; Choi, S.; Beyer, H.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.; Wenz, G.
    1999. Polymer 40 (1999) S. 1593
  11. Radiative recombination centers induced by stacking-fault pairs in ZnSe/ZnMgSSe quantum-well structures
    Lueerssen, D.; Bleher, R.; Richter, H.; Schimmel, T.; Kalt, H.; Rosenauer, A.; Litvinov, D.; Kamilli, A.; Gerthsen, D.; Ohkawa, K.; Jobst, B.; Hommel, D.
    1999. Appl. phys. let. 75 (1999) S. 3944
  12. Transmission electron microscopic investigation of the microstructure of Fe-Cr-Al alloys
    Wittmann, R.; Spindler, S.; Fischer, B.; Wagner, H.; Gerthsen, D.; Lange, J.; Brede, M.; Kloewer, J.; Schunk, P.; Schimmel, T.
    1999. J. of mater. sci. 34 (1999) S. 1791-1798
  13. Structural properties of BeTe/ZnSe-superlattices
    Walter, T.; Rosenauer, A.; Wittmann, R.; Gerthsen, D.; Fischer, F.; Gerhard, T.; Waag, A.; Landwehr, G.; Schunk, P.; Schimmel, T.
    1999. Phys. rev. B 59 (1999) S. 8114
  14. An improved method for the assembly of amino-terminated monolayers on SiO2 and the vapor deposition of gold layers
    Siqueira-Petri, D.; Wenz, G.; Schunk, P.; Schimmel, T.
    1999. Langmuir 15 (1999) S. 4520-4523
  15. Surface modification of thin polystyrene films
    Siqueira-Petri, D. F.; Wenz, G.; Schunk, P.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.; Dichtl, M. A.
    1999. Colloid and Polymer Science, Colloid & polym. sci. 277 (1999) S. 673-679., 277, 673–79
  16. Rastersondenmikroskopie als Werkzeuge und Meßsonden für die Nanometer-Skala
    Schimmel, T.
    1999. Nachrichten - Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 31, 217–23
  17. Synthesis of a cellulose thiosulfate and its immobilization on gold surfaces
    Siqueira Petri, D. F.; Choi, S. W.; Beyer, H.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.; Wenz, G.
    1999. Polymer, 40, 1593–1601
  1. Disordered structures analysed by the theory of Markov processes
    Friedrich, R.; Galla, T.; Naert, A.; Peinke, J.; Schimmel, T.
    1998. In: A perspective look at nonlinear media. Ed.: J. Parisi. Berlin 1998. S. 313-326. (Lecture notes in physics. 503.)
  2. Nano-characterisation and material contrast on heterogeneous samples by scanning force techniques
    Schimmel, T.; Boehringer, S.; Kueppers, J.
    1998. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of the European Societies for Electron Microscopy, EUREM ’96
  3. Computer simulations on near-field scanning optical microscopy: can subwavelength resolution be obtained using uncoated optical fiber probes?
    Freymann, G. von; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.; Hanewinkel, B.; Knorr, A.; Koch, S.
    1998. Appl. phys. let. 73 (1998) S. 1170
  4. Scanning force microscopy on Au(111) in UHV: giant atomic corrugations on a metal surface
    Molitor, S.; Guenthner, P.; Mueller, M.; Schimmel, T.
    1998. Appl. phys. A 67 (1998) S. 1-3
  5. Monolayers of graphite rotated by a defined angle: hexagonal superstructures by STM
    Beyer, H.; Mueller, M.; Schimmel, T.
    1998. Appl. phys. A 67 (1998) S. 1-4
  6. Structuring of mica surfaces with a vibrating AFM tip
    Popp, V.; Kladny, R.; Schimmel, T.; Kueppers, J.
    1998. Surf. sci. 401 (1998) S. 105-111
  7. Computer simulations: subwavelength resolution with an apertureless SNOM
    Freymann, G. von; Schimmel, T.; Wegener, M.
    1998. Appl. phys. A 66 (1998) S. S939-S942
  8. On the nature of nanometer-scale islands formed by cadmium selenide deposition on hexagonal cadmium sulfide (0001)A
    Gruen, M.; Funfrock, F.; Schunk, P.; Schimmel, T.; Hetterich, M.; Klingshirn, C.
    1998. Appl. phys. let. 73 (1998) S. 1343-1345
  9. Synthesis of a cellulose thiosulfate and its immobilization on gold surfaces
    Siqueira-Petri, D.; Choi, S.; Beyer, H.; Schimmel, T.; Bruns, M.; Wenz, G.
    1998. Polymer 40 (1998) S. 1593-1601
  1. Computer simulation of the AFM/LFM imaging process: hexagonal versus honeycomb structure on graphite
    Toussaint, U. von; Schimmel, T.; Kueppers, J.
    1997. Surf. and interface anal. 25 (1997) S. 620-625
  1. Mechanismus of microscopic and macroscopic charge transport in the quasi-one- dimensional organic conductor (FA)2X
    Schimmel, T.; Koch, B.; Geserich, H.-P.; Schwoerer, M.
    1990. Synth. met. 33 (1989) S. 311