Cluster-Based Materials – Welcome to the Homepage of the Dehnen Group
We are interested in multinary, non-oxidic cluster and network compounds, which due to their special electronic and structural properties are highly important for basic research in inorganic as well as materials chemistry. The main synthetic approach pursued in our group makes use of precursor compounds with binary main group element units.
Stefanie Dehnen
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
ERC Advanced Grant
FOR 2824
Social Media
Insight into the formation of bismuth-tungsten carbonyl clusters
Ion-Selective Assembly of Supertetrahedral Selenido Germanate Clusters
φ-Aromaticity in prismatic {Bi6}-based clusters
Assembly of One to Four As4 Analogues
Reactive Solubilization of Heterometallic Clusters
Between Elemental Match and Mismatch
Defined Oligomers of Supertetrahedral Selenido Germanate Clusters
Substantial π-Aromaticity in Anionic Heavy-Metal Cluster
Metalloid Unit within a Polymetallide Environment
Intermetalloid Clusters with Gold Atoms